"What'd you say?"

I pouted my lips as I thought of a decent description "Some very colorful words."

Isaac laughed and leaned back in the chair. "It's weird." he muttered after a while. "It's so calm yet I can't seem to relax. It's like the calm before the storm or something."

I nodded. "I know what you mean. But hey, at least it's calm for now."

"Got a point there. So have you considered joining the lacrosse team yet?"

I laughed and shook my head "I don't think so. Team sports aren't really my thing."

"Ah come on." Isaac whined "I'm sure you'll do great. And you already know most of the team."

"I'm good."

"Pshh" Isaac huffed with a grin on his face "Suit yourself. It was your chance to see many toned shirtless guys."

I started laughing. "My dream." I answered sarcastically.

"So when are you coming back to school?"

"Hopefully next week. But I can't go back yet because of the whole suspicion around me and with the cops thinking I'm very sick."

"Well it's not like you're missing anything. In biology we're talking about starvation and the effects of it."

"Yeah I think that that won't be a problem on the test."

"It seems painful." Isaac muttered.

"You're wrong."


"It's not painful at all. The first week is agony but after that you just stop looking for food. It's actually not a bad way to go. It doesn't hurt. You're just... Tired."

"Well this turned morbid." Isaac joked.

"Blame biology."

It became silent for a few minutes. Both caught in our own thoughts.

"How'd you do it?" Isaac asked me out of the blue.

"How did I do what?"

"Well... When my dad passed away, I was suspect number one. Got locked in a holding cell and everything. How did you manage to get back to America so fast after he died? Weren't you a suspect?" He asked with a furrowed brow.

"Of course I was a suspect. First one they went to. It's just that the people I worked for... they're pretty influential."

"So what? They bought you out?"

"Nah. That would mean that I had to stay in the Netherlands for possible future questioning. No, they barged in and gave the cops security footage of me being nowhere near the crime scene when it happened. Plus a statement that I was with them." Isaac nodded slightly while I silently kicked the chair next to me. "Solid proof that I was innocent."

"I left the day before his funeral." I whispered.

Isaac looked up with prying eyes. Unsure of what he thought of it, I stared back at him. "You didn't attend your dad's funeral?" he asked accusingly.

I simply shook my head.

"Well I guess I can understand why you'd choose that... Even though I think you should've gone anyway-"

"He didn't deserve it."

"He's still your father."

"Was." I corrected. Isaac glared at me. "And only by blood."

"You didn't attend your dad's funeral?" Stiles asked as he joined our conversation.

"Are you also gonna judge me for it?" I groaned. "You guys know what he did to me and you're telling me that I should've gone to a service in honor of his memory? Should I also have gone up stage and give a great speech on how much he meant to me?" Stiles glanced at Isaac with his heart beating faster with every word I spat. "And for fucks sake I'm not gonna turn."

"Her heartbeat is still steady." Isaac commented more to Stiles than to me. I rolled my eyes.

"You two should get girlfriends. Something to keep your mind off supernatural things." I began to piss them off.

"What?" they replied with confusion all over their faces. I tried my best to keep my face as straight as possible even though their faces were priceless.

"Oh! Even better! You two could get together. Hmm, yup! I ship it." I said with a serious nod.

"Dafuq?" Isaac commented "There's no way in hell that I'll end up with Stiles."

"What?" Stiles said offended and turned to Isaac "Am I not pretty enough for you?"

I started laughing.

So I don't know how I managed to do it but I've uploaded Liz's first full moon on a full moon... and her "last" full moon (this one) on a full moon.

Blue eyes [Teen wolf/Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now