Chapter Ten: Outreach Day

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I feel my phone vibrate and I see a text from Larissa

Larissa: Morning Sunshine, are you and Wednesday almost ready to go, I stopped by both of your rooms and you weren't in any of them.

Me: We are down in the cafeteria still talking with Enid

Larissa: Alright, I already packed your violin in Ms. Thornhill's car. Can you ask Wednesday if it's okay if I grab her Cello?

I look up from my phone to see Wednesday smiling at me.

"Larissa wants to know if it's okay if she goes and grabs your cello from your room?"

"Yeah of course it's on my bed. Are we riding with her or Ms. Thornhill?"

"I will tell her and I am assuming Ms. Thornhill." she nods her head and i look back down at my phone to text Larissa back.

Me: She said sure and that its on her bed

Larissa: Thank you darling.

Me: Your Welcome

"We probably should get ready for today." Enid said, we all get up, put our dirty trays in the bin and we walk upstairs.I head into my room to change as I finish changing into my clothes and I feel my phone vibrate.

Unknown number: Found You

I feel run through my veins turning my blood cold. No no no no Damn it no. I ran out of the room and burst into Larissa's office not caring who was in there. I see a flash of red hair before I throw myself into Larissa's arms.

"Sweetheart what happened?"

"They found me." I whimpered out, I feel Larissa tense up I feel myself start to shake. Larissa guides us to the couch and sits down, I feel the spot beside me dip and I feel Ms Thornhill's hands rubbing my back. After a while I look up after being tapped on

"Y/N we are right here, they will not get to you. There is an entire gate stopping them from getting you. Plus they would have to get through Me, and Enid."

"Plus me, and honestly I would be petrified to see them try to get through Wednesday. So you have nothing to worry about." I nod my head but I let them hold me till I get my breathing under control.

"We should get going, you should wash your face before your girlfriend asks what happens and comes to me with murder in her eyes." I blush at the word girlfriend,

"She always has a murder look in her eyes." But I walk into the bathroom washing my face really quickly, We walk out of the office and down to the cars where most of the students were filing I see Wednesday and Enid standing at a car which I was assuming that it's Ms. Thornhill's car. Thornhill and I walk over to them and I stay quiet and Wednesday immediately notices that there is something wrong.

"Enid you can sit up front, I wanna sit in the back with Yn" she nods her head and we all get into the car, Wednesday sits in the middle seat so she can sit close to me. She's so close that our thighs are touching, I look at her hand that is out waiting for me to hold it. I lace my fingers with hers and she smiles.

"Are you okay?" I slowly nod my head and she looks like she doesn't believe me. I lean my head on her shoulder and I try to control my breathing. We get into town and everyone splits up to go to their place while I stand back with Larissa and Ms. Thornhill.

"Alright, why don't we go to the weathervane to have some hot chocolate and talk." I nod my head and I follow them into the shop. We order our drinks and we sit down. "How are you feeling sweetheart?"


"Don't hide from us, you can tell us what is really going through your mind." I stare at my mug watching the ripples in the drink. I look up to see both of them looking at me.

"They are going to get me." I say confidently

"They will not, and even if they do. They wont have you for long."

"Marilyn is right. This group has been through alot and they got through it then and they will again. You have people who will protect you at all costs."

"What if I'm not worth protecting?" I whisper and a look of shock comes over both of their faces.

"You are worth protecting. I don't care who has said anything different. They are wrong in so many different ways and when I get my hands on them I swear i'll-"

"Larissa" Ms. Thornhill interrupts

"Sorry. We will protect you, Sunshine. You have nothing to worry about." I nod my head and I give a small smile, still not convinced. "Why don't you talk to Wednesday about this? I am sure she can comfort you better than we could." I shake my head no

"She will go looking for them. You know how stubborn she is. I don't want to put her in danger, bad enough I am putting you guys in danger"

"You are not putting us in anything we want to help you Sunshine," I nod my head and we stop that conversation and we move to the dance next week.

"Have you thought about what you are going to wear?" I shake my head no

"Not yet, I have an idea though." Larissa looks at her watch and she gives a smile.

"We should get going, it's almost time for you and Wednesday to perform." We finish our drinks and we head over to the town square. We get to the square and I see Wednesday and Enid waiting for us. I run over to them smiling and they smile back at me.

"Seems like you had fun lounging around in the coffee shop." Enid says

"The antique shop wasn't fun Enid?" I lace my fingers with Wednesday and I kiss her cheek.

"I had a lot of fun there." Wednesday argues.

"Of course you did." I say smiling. I feel eyes on me so I look around. I see my mother and I squeeze Wednesday's hand. She tugs my hand and I look at her a look of concern crosses her face

"Darling too tight." I loosen my grip and I looked back at the spot and she was gone. "Are you okay? It looks like you have seen a ghost." I nod my head but I don't say anything. Larissa walks over to us and she smiles.

"Are you ready to perform? Y/N are you okay?" I quickly nod my head and give a smile. We walk over to our seats and the mayor is giving a speech. Soon enough Wednesday and I are getting up to perform. Wednesday sits down in the chair and I stand on her right. She looks at me and she gives me a smile and I return it back to her. I nod my head and she starts the song, I join in on the next measure.Not looking around, I focus on the song thinking back to all the practices that we had, the notes flowing through my veins. The end of the song came a little too quickly and Wednesday got out of the chair and we both took a bow. We both smiled at the applause we got, she looked at me and gave me a wink and I felt the heat in my cheeks creep up. I watch Enid run over to us as we pack our instruments away.

"You guys were amazing."

"Thank you Enid" We walked to the car and we put our instruments away. We get in the car and I lean my head on Wednesday's shoulder, closing my eyes. 

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