The End

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Wednesday's Pov:

I wake up and I roll over and I feel Y/n's side of the bed is cold but I see a note on her pillow. I pick it up and I read it.

My love, I am going to town to get us food and coffee from the weathervane. I'll be back soon. Forever yours Y/n

I smile as I read the note. I get out of bed and I put on some clothes, I walk back to my room to get a different set. I quickly take a shower, I get out of the shower putting on new clothes and I walk out of the bathroom.

"I am going to say this out of love alright, but could you guys be any louder." Enid says and my eyes go wide and a deep blush sets into my face and neck. She starts to laugh. "You do realize I'm going to be cracking jokes all day right? Though Yoko, Divinia and Bianca are coming by to join in on the fun" I roll my eyes.

"Oh I know. I'm gonna head to Weems office, I have a question for her."

"Might wanna cover your neck before mama bear has your head."

"She probably already knows since Y/n went to the weathervane for food." she nods her head and I head out to Weems's office and I knock on the door.

"Come in." I walk in the room and I see her on her laptop, probably getting some work done. "Ah Wednesday what can I do for you? Y/n hanging out with Enid?"

"Oh she didn't tell you she went to the weathervane for food." She has a confused look on her face.

"Yeah I know she went hours ago." the color leaves my face and hers at the same time. She picks up the phone and I hear her talking, I run out of the room and up to ours. I bust open the door and the four girls look at me in bewilderment.

"Wednesday what's wrong." Enid said but I ignored her grabbing my bag and some things including a knife. "Wow, hold up stop what's going on?" Enid grabs my arm and I spin around with fire in my eyes and she lets go quickly. "Tell us what's going on."

"I'm going to kill some people now to get out of my way now." no one moves. "NOW." Enid jumps and moves out of the way. I run down to Weems's office and the girls follow me, Ms. Thornhill is in the office with her and they both look at me.

"She might still be at the weathervane or on her way back now. Let's all get in the car and drive down." We all get into the van and we start the drive to town. She doesn't even park the car before I jump out and run into the cafe. She wasn't in there that I could see, I pushed through the line of people and I showed the barista a photo.

"Has she come in today?"

"No she hasn't, I'm sorry." I run out of the store and into the car and I silently try not to freak out more than I already am. We drive back to Nevermore and I see something on the side of the road.

"STOP" Weems stops the car short, and all of us jerk forward. I get out of the car and I pick up what looks like a keychain. "It's Y/n's I gave it to her." I look around trying to think if there is anything around just the cave and the Gates house. "Alright we split up, half of us goes to the cave and the other half goes to the Gates house. Weems, me and Enid will go to the house. Bianca, Thornhill, l Yoko and Divinia will go to the cave. Call as soon as you see something." Everyone nods their head into agreement. I start to run to the house not waiting for anyone. I see a car in the lot if I take out my phone and I start to text everyone.

Me: Got them at the house

I take a deep breath and I kick the door open and I see them at the table. I run over and I punch both of them. I grab the woman's shirt and I pull her close to me.

"Where is she? Where is Y/n?" She has a wicked grin on her face and I hear footsteps behind me.

"She's upstairs but you're too late." She laughs and I throw her down. "Watch them, Larissa with me." We both run up the stairs and we check the rooms.

"Got her" I hear Larissa say, I run into the room and I see Y/n covered in her own blood. I run to her and untie her arms and legs, I feel for a pulse and there wasn't one.

"Here's my medical kit to fix it." I kiss her on the forehead and I run down the stairs. I push past everyone "Who did it?" They don't say anything "you're going to answer me, Who did it?"

"I did it" I look at the women, and I grab the man and I start to punch him. He falls to the ground and the woman looks like she is going to get up. "Try it, I dare you." She doesn't move. I get on top of him and I keep on punching him. "She was perfect, how could you do something like this."

"Please stop" I hear him whimper. I take out my knife and I stab him right in the heart. I get off and I wipe my knife on his shirt to get the blood off. I get off of him and I walk over to her.

"She was your daughter. How could you do something like this? You are supposed to protect her and love her. She wasn't supposed to need protection from her parents." I stab her with the knife and she screams in pain. I take it out and I do it over and over again. "How does it feel now? It doesn't feel good, does it?" I keep stabbing her. I feel hands on me and I shrug them off. I feel my hands pull me away and I try to fight."

"It's enough that they are dead." Enid says, I look at everyone and Larissa, Yoko and Marilyn are gone, probably upstairs. Tears start to fill my eyes and Enid pulls me into a hug and I just collapse and I start to sob. I can hear Enid crying too and it's hard for me to breathe, we hear the sirens and the paramedics come inside and Bianca guides them upstairs. We hear the walkie talkies.

"Alright got a live one here, multiple stab wounds to the abdomen and one in the leg. Probably a few broken ribs. Enroute to the hospital now." I start to sob harder, she's alive, she's going to be okay." They wheel her out of the house and they put her inside the ambulance. Larissa comes into the room and she gasps, I don't know if it was from me crying or the blood everywhere and the dead bodies but I don't really care.

"They are bringing her to the Hospital now. Gonna drop you guys off so Wednesday can take a shower and get the blood off of her. I'm going to the hospital Marilyn will be waiting for you so she can drive you there" I nod my head and Enid helps me up and into the van. She drives quickly stopping at the gate and we jump out and Enid helps me to the room, we strip off my clothes that are sticky with blood and I start to clean off all of the blood. Soon after we are back in the car and on the way to the hospital. We get there and Larissa is sitting in the chair waiting, she see us and she gets up.

"How is she?"

"She's in surgery now, she lost a lot of blood. It's going to be a rough healing process. Wednesday I wanted to say thank you for everything."

"And I would do it all again for her." I sit down next to Enid and she tangles her fingers with mine and I put my head on her shoulder feeling exhausted. Slowly drifting off into a restless sleep.

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