Chapter Three: Research and Coffee

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Wednesday POV:

I wake up to the sound of Enid rummaging around the room. I looked at the clock and it was early even for Enid to be up. I sit up in bed and I look over at her.

"What are you doing?" Enid turns quickly and looks at me and gives a small smile.

"Sorry I was looking for something and I thought I was being quiet."

"It's alright, I have to head to the library anyway, and I wanted to get there before everyone else does." Enid nods her head.

"What are you researching about this time?" I couldn't tell her what my research was going to be on. Not without telling Enid about Y/N being deaf.

"Nothing, just a bit of light reading." she tilts her head knowing that I was lying. "If Y/N comes by, tell her I'm in the library." She nods her head again, I quickly change and head down to the library. I start to look through the aisle for books on sign language and deaf people. I grabbed anything I could get my hands on. I checked them all out after a couple of hours reading. I put them in my bag. I walk up the stairs and I end up in front of principal Weems's office. I knock on the door and I wait for an answer.

"Come in." I take a deep breath and I walk in to see Larissa sitting at her desk looking at her laptop. "Ah Wednesday, what can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if we could talk for a moment. It's important but not an emergency."

"Sure, take a seat. Tell me what's going on." I take off my backpack and I sit down in the chair.

"It's about Y/N. I was wondering, besides the books in the library do you have any more information about deafness and sign language?"

"What is this about?"

"Well I thought that it would be cool for me to learn more about it and maybe she would feel so alone here." She has a wide grin forming on her face. "Also I was looking for a place to study. I can't do it in the library because it's open so anyone can see, but I can't do it in my room because of Enid being nosey. I also can't do it here because Y/N can walk in anytime."

"Well I know sign language, not fluent yet but I can get by in conversations. We could set up a meeting daily where I can have Y/n stay away for that hour." She looks like she is thinking for a moment and then a light goes off. "I might have a spot for you to study in. It used to be mine when I went here. I highly doubt anyone has ever found it. I can show it to you tonight after everyone goes to bed." I nod my head.

"Anytime for studying is fine with me."

"How does 7 sound?"

"Sound perfect.Thank you principal Weems, I really appreciate this. I would like to start as soon as possible. I also had another question. I hope you don't mind." she nods her head. "Y/n says she hasn't been able to hear since she was 5. How did that happen? She looked uncomfortable yesterday and I didnt want to push her so soon."

"I do know what happened to the fullest extent. But I can't tell you, that would be going against her and I won't break that trust. But I know that if she gets to know you she will come to trust you too." I nod my head.

"I have another idea, can you take me into town?" She looks at the clock and she nods her head. Can I leave my bag here? It has books from the library. I'm also gonna run upstairs go grab something"

"Sure I can meet you down the stairs." Leave my bag and I run up the stairs and into my room grabbing something.

"Hey Enid, I'm running into town. Do you want anything while I'm there?"

"No thank you."

"Do you know where Things is? I wanna see if he needs anything." she nods her head enthusiastically.

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