"Good. I think I'm ready for more challenging tasks." Ronan tried not to sound too desperate. "I've been doing the same thing for five months after all."

"Trust me, you should be content with what you do. You'll only be miserable with more responsibilities." Lars commented gruffly.

"Says the guy who refuses to do any type of real work." Elroy snickered.

Lars narrowed his eyes menacingly at him. "I'm not made for suits and sitting my ass at a table 24/7. I'll leave that to you."

"Yeah you're better suited for breaking things and throwing temper tantrums." Sebastian delivered the insult matter-of-factly and settled down at the table.

Ronan and Elroy snickered as Lars shot daggers at his older brother, knowing he'd only prove his point by responding. It was sometimes hard to remember that Lars was eight years older than Ronan since he acted more like a teenager than the actual teenager.

"Well it's good to see you all getting along just fine." Their father commented with a hint of amusement that vanished as soon as he recalled the subject at hand. "Phoenix Clark's unit."

"The problematic little shit who can't keep his ass out of others' businesses?" Lars balled his hands. To say that he disliked Phoenix would be the understatement of the century. He despised the guy.

"Do you mean Phoenix Clark of Clark's Security and Law?" Ronan asked, clueless as to why they were discussing one of the country's leading security agents.

"The very." Elroy nodded, turning to Seb and their father. "What's the recent update?"

Sebastian tapped quickly on his laptop and projected the screen for all to see as their dad explained. "The team he was operating, with permission from the Bureau, had turned into two. It was all inconsequential at the beginning. He led regular security missions, investigations... but it seems he's been smart about it, gradually gaining more influence and being granted more liberties while playing it down. He is now getting involved with bigger issues." He explained mostly for the sake of Ronan. It was time he knew the kind of people and threats they dealt with on the daily basis. "Poking his nose into some of our partnerships a couple years ago, I warned the Bureau to keep him in check, but he doesn't seem to be fazed. It's either he is an idiot with a death wish, or he is extremely clever- smarter than he lets on."

"He's a dangerous pest. Last month he had intercepted Italian shipments at the doc and was even given a pass to bring their representative to interrogation. And while the Italians retrieved their men and the matter was all kept under wraps, he had a confidence boost and the public reactions for what he did were positive. How he got his information and how quick he operates, one could only guess it's a privilege of being close to Rawlins." Sebastian added.

"So he got on the people's good side and now has a mutually benefitial relationship with the Bureau, granting him more power and influence. Enough to fully lead a second team." Elroy scratched his chin, deep in thought. "What kind of team?"

"A team that is going to be a pain in everyone's asses." Lars grumbled. "He carried some mission yesterday. All details were secret but our intel says the Russians were involved."

"Russians?" Ronan turned to his father questioningly. "Why are they on our territory in the first place? And why would he risk getting involved in their business?"

"A special team breached the border yesterday at 5pm. They came aboard the Lazarev." Sebastian said. "No prior notice, no caution whatsoever. It is beyond odd to send such a special team on a reckless expedition knowing they'd be hunted down the minute they step foot on our soil."

"It is weird." Elroy hummed, tapping his fingers on the table top. "Were they retained? Taken for interrogation?"

Leonid shook his head. "They escaped for the most part. Two of their men were shot, one died on the spot and the other was injured but got away." A deep frown marred his features. "The worrisome part of this entire ordeal is how out of character and pattern it is. They don't breach borders without a warning. They don't risk their elite for seemingly nothing... which drives the question: what were they after?"

"Or who?" Sebastian looked around the table at the silent pondering faces. "They led a wild goose chase through the forest then turned right back and fled when they found Phoenix's team waiting on the other side. They did not engage."

"And you think they were after something? What could that possibly be?" Ronan asked.

Elroy shrugged. "Highly unclear in this situation. Whatever and whoever it is they were after was a moving target, hence the chase."

"And whatever that is," Lars tilted his head, connecting the dots. "Is in the possession of Phoenix Clark now?"

Their father nodded tiredly. "All evidence points to that, yes. Since the mission has been so under wraps even civilian mutterings about the sound of gunshots were monitored and taken off the radar, Phoenix seems to want it wiped from record."

"How does it concern us?" Ronan hesitantly voiced. He gets their worry over the nosy agent, but he hasn't bothered them specifically, so what did it matter if he engaged the Russians or not?

"You'll come to learn that everything concerns us, Ro." Elroy tapped his fingers on the wooden surface. "You have to look beyond the obvious with these things. Do you know how we stay on top?"

Ronan was annoyed at the use of his childhood nickname. He didn't like getting called that anymore. It sounded immature.

"Knowledge is power, blah blah blah." Lars mimicked, having heard that his entire life. "He means to say, we get to the bottom of things before they even have the potential to concern us. You need to be two steps ahead to survive in this world."

"And right now Phoenix Clark's business is our business. Whatever he is trying to hide, we need to know and prepare for." Sebastian agreed. "While it's farfetched, I wouldn't exactly say it's a coincidence that these things are happening as we come closer to the Annual Celebration and the Clover Gathering."

Leonid nodded. "We've given him free reign for a long time now and it's proving to be a mistake. This could hurt our influence and impact our partnerships. I believe we're due for a little chat with Phoenix Clark."

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