chapter føurteen

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I woke up the next morning at 8:03 AM, and I kind of wished I hadn't woken up at all. Tyler was already awake, watching me, and he looked as scared as I felt. I tried to say good morning to him, but I couldn't really breathe in. I called the nurse, who came in and sat me up. He told me to try and cough up whatever was in my lungs, which I did, and put on an oxygen mask. I had coughed up a lot of fresh blood, too. I was worried.

After he left, Tyler came and sat down on my bed. I felt so pathetic, hardly awake and looking at him over my mask, and I couldn't convey to him how glad I was that he was there.

"I feel like there's one thing you haven't taken into consideration," he whispered.

"What's that?"

"That no matter what happens after the surgery, you're going to have at least some time with no CF in your lungs. That means no more oxygen tanks and no more treatments."

He was right, too. I hadn't really thought of that. It made me feel a hell of a lot better, however, which I told him.

He smiled weakly at me and held my hand. "I can't wait for you to be able to breathe normally for once."

I bit my lip. "No I really can't, either." Granted, I was still anxious out of my mind, about the sedation and all, but this got me all excited.

He smiled for real this time, and said, "I'd really like to kiss you now."

I blushed, and was about to ask why he just didn't do it, but then I remembered that I had my mask on, so I pulled it down. He immediately leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, doing the bottom lip thing again.

After he pulled away, he closed his eyes for a moment. "So, I can't stay here all day," he told me.

I nodded. "Makes sense."

"I'm staying until you go into your operation, but then I have to go to school or my dad'll kick my ass."

I laughed a bit. "Yeah, I would imagine."

He smiled. "I'll be back when you wake up, though, okay?" he said. "I'll be right here. And so will your mom, and so will Josh."

I put my hand against the side of his face. "Thank you, Tyler."

He held my hand, then kissed it again. "Of course."

A nurse came in with breakfast a few minutes later, which I didn't want to eat. But he made sure I ate my eggs and drank plenty of water to sustain my body during the transplant.

And soon, it was time for pre-op. A few doctors came in and unhooked me from all the machines, then helped me into a wheelchair even when I insisted that I could walk.

Tyler trailed behind me the whole way there, but he got to sit on my new cot when they hooked me up to anesthetics. After the doctors left us alone, he held my hand and traced patterns again. He seemed to do that a lot. I wasn't complaining, though; it was a nice stress reliever.

"You okay?" he asked, patting my hand with his other. He didn't ask me in a condescending way or anything, which was nice; he said it like a parent does to their kid when they fall and are trying not to get them worked up.

"Yep," I said, even though my entire body was screaming No.

He seemed to notice my anxiety though. "What are you most worried about?"

"The whole sedation thing," I replied immediately. "They keep saying I won't remember anything, but I'm remembering what's happening right now, and I don't know when I'll stop remembering, and—"

Tyler pressed a finger to my lips to cut me off. "You can't get to stressed out about it. Okay?"

I nodded, then took a deep breath to calm down.

"Here." He laid down next to me, wrapped his arms around my body, and laid my head on his chest. "How about you try to take a nap? Then it'll be just like falling asleep."

So I closed my eyes. "Just like at home, right? All cuddled in your arms and everything."

He pressed a kiss to the top of my head and rubbed my arm. "Just like at home." 

Electricityscape |-/ Tyler Joseph FicWhere stories live. Discover now