chapter ten

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I got the call from my doctor the next Tuesday. I hadn't seen Tyler and days, and for the past 24 hours I had hardly contacted him. I had told him that there was a big meeting and everything, but there wasn't. I just felt like he would've wanted to listen in on the conversation if he knew it was that simple.

I took a deep breath and answered my cell. "Hello?"

"Hi, this is Doctor Carly Tomscyk from Union Hospital, is this Lizzie speaking?"

"It is," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Hi, Lizzie. So I've been talking with the other doctors and surgeons, and we've decided that the best time to do the transplant is April 24th. Does that work?"

"Let me check my calendar." I reached over to my table and looked at the empty pages. April 24th was exactly 4 weeks from tomorrow. "Yeah, that works."

"Great! So we'll see you then for pre-op. Call us if you have any questions or concerns, okay?"

"Okay, thank you very much."

"You're very welcome. Have a nice day!"

I just hung up, because I felt like I'd throw up if I opened my mouth. I kept picturing them opening me up and literally taking out my organs. It wasn't a good feeling.

Once I calmed myself down enough and drank some water, I decided to give Tyler a ring.

He picked up right away and said, "Hey, how'd it go?"

"It went okay," I replied.

There was a pause before he asked quietly, "Are you okay?"

I nodded, and it didn't dawn on me that he couldn't see me. "Can I come over?" I asked.

"I, um . . . Yeah, if you want. Wouldn't it be easier for me to come over to your place, though?"

"No," I replied, grabbing my backpack and putting in my equipment. I just needed to get out into the woods. "I'll be over in 15 minutes, okay?"


"Alright. Bye." I went downstairs and forced myself to eat a protein bar before grabbing my keys and heading out the door. I drove to his house with the radio turned off, because I couldn't process music right now. After I arrived, I saw him sitting on his front porch step, and my stomach melted at the sight of him. I got out of the car with my backpack and walked over to him, then enveloped him in a silent hug, closing my eyes and taking in a deep breath of his hoodie.

He didn't ask any questions. He just hugged me back, then took my bag from me and held my hand while we walked to the treehouse. He helped me up the ladder, and then made a pile of blankets for us to sit on once we got to the top.

After I got comfortable, I said, "So, the surgery is scheduled 4 weeks from tomorrow."

Tyler wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "That's not too bad, is it?"

I shrugged. "I dunno."

He kissed the side of my head and whispered, "It's all for the best. You know that, right?"

I nodded, because I did know it. And then I started crying, because I always feel like crying after any sort of doctor appointment. Even if it goes okay, I still feel like crying. This time was especially worse, because I just did not want to go through the goddamn surgery. Even if it really was all for the best.

Tyler, with his arm still around me, gave me a tug to move onto his lap. So I did, and I closed my eyes and I cried against his chest.

"It's going to be okay," he whispered. "I promise you, things will turn out."

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