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"Do I look fuckin' sexy?".

"Sexiest man I've seen!".

All that can be heard is breathy laughter, waking up no one but Duff.

He rubs his eyes, frowning slightly from the loud noises and the headache that forms in his head.

"Steven" He looks down at the ground, shaking his friend. "Hey, Steven".

His eyes barely open as he turns over, mumbling the one word "What?".

"Where the fuck are we?".

"Mmm.." Steven massages his head, "Gina's".

"Gina?" Duff frowns.

"No.." The blond on the floor shakes his head, "not Gina..." he clicks his fingers, "fuckin'... y'know, Gia or some shit".

"Oh" Duff's hand goes to his chest in relief as parts of last night finally pop back into his head.

Steven nods back off, light snores leaving his lips.

The tall blond gets up, stumbling into the hallway in hopes of finding the bathroom.

"Woohoo!!" A familiar voice laughs, "Aha!! Look!!".

When Duff finally reaches a door, he pulls the handle, hoping to be met with a toilet. Instead he's met with Axl stood on Gia's bed with a sailors hat on, a bright pink feather bower around his neck to which he shakes as he shimmies his shoulders.

Gia on the other hand is rolling around beneath Axl, holding her aching stomach as she screams in laughter, dressed in a hula skirt and a flower lei.

Her laughing stops when she notices the presence of Duff, she whacks Axl's leg to get his attention. When he finally sees his friend in the doorway looking bewildered, his eyes widen.

Gia falls back into a fit of laughter, setting Axl off as he collapses beside her, lightly hitting each other as they giggle.

"The fuck have I walked into?" Duff scratches his head, a small grin forming on his face.

"I don't fuckin' know!" Axl laughs. A piece of Gia's hair falling onto his face so he blows, or more so spits, Gia's brown hair out of his mouth.

"Eww" She grabs the strand of hair, smoothing it down as she carries on giggling.

"Okay.." Duff chuckles, slowly closing the door before he quickly pokes his head in again, "you didn't shag did you?".

"No!" Gia raises her voice followed by yet another giggle, launching a pillow at Duff which hits the door.

After Duff leaves with a grin, Axl turns too Gia.

"I mean, we could" He smirks.

"Oh shut up, sailor" She whacks the top of his head that's slightly protected by the sailor hat.

"That didn't help my banging headache, princess" He growls, jabbing her side to which she yelps.

She chuckles lightly as she rolls off of the bed, taking the hula skirt off that's on top of her pyjama shorts. "Right, I'm gonna make breakfast".

"What's on the menu?" He asks nonchalantly, rummaging through a draw of random stuff Gia has.

She scoffs, "Oh anything you want, sweet cheeks, this is a five star restaurant after all" sarcasm oozes out of her tone.

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