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Gia wanders around her apartment, wondering what to do with herself, it's around half twelve in the evening, she's struggling to sleep and she's never been so hungry.

After browsing her almost empty cupboard and failing to find a snack, she strolls over to her sofa, picking up one of many guitars in her apartment and occupying herself with it.

She hums along as she plays, unsure of what she's humming, she carries on and creates a sweet little melody.

"It's this one! Gotta be this one!" A deep voice whines before the sound of loud knocks on a door that's presumably beside Gia's apartment interrupts the pretty sounds she was making.

She frowns, hearing multiple voices that seem to be trying their best to be quiet but their bickering just gets louder and louder.

Getting up from the sofa, she goes over to her door and balances on her tip toes to look out of the peep hole, she can't see anybody, but they're definitely close.

"Are you sure that wasn't her??" Someone asks, slurring their words.

"Course I'm sure, she's not fucking ginger for a start!".

"What's wrong with gingers?!".

"Everything" Another voice answers in a giggle.

Gia jumps when there's just one bang at her door, when she looks back through the peep hole a familiar red head is scrambling to get up from the floor.

"The fuck did you push me for?!" He looks up at another familiar face, or rather, familiar hair.

"What about this one?" The tall blond speaks, ignoring his friends antics.

"Won't be that one" The black haired one chimes in.

"Maybe she lied to you," The red head looks at his curly headed friend, "maybe she doesn't even live here-".

"Do you need something?" Gia swings open the door, standing with folded arms.

"Are you- wait what's her name.." The shorter blond looks up at the taller one, whispering the last words. "Uhh.. Gina?".

"No I'm not Gina" Her hips jolts out and her hand rests on it.

"You fucking idiot" Slash pushes the drummer away, "It's Gia," he rolls his eyes, "uh, sorry to disturb you, but-".

"Can we sleep with you?" The red head chimes in, a playful grin on his face.

"Why the fuck would you say that?" The dark haired one frowns at him.

"Yeah, why would you say that?" Gia asks, tilting her head with narrowed eyebrows.

"Listen, I'm drunk out of my mind and I-".

"Just shut up" The tall blond shushes his friend, "we're like... unable to get home, 'n we were wondering if you had a spare sofa we could crash out on..? Or like, even just a floor, anything works..".

"Or your bed" Axl chips in, winking.

Gia can't help but splutter out a laugh at Axl's attempt to seduce her, that and the fact they're all swaying, struggling to stay on their feet and their words are barely understandable.

Sugar • SlashOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz