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"Darling, are you tired?" Matt plays with my hair as we lay on the boat staring at the sunset. The others are in the water, playing around as it's our last day here before returning to Hogwarts. I can't believe how fast this summer went. It's been the best yet the worst summer ever. It began terribly. The unknown number turned out to be Label and the...Night. I still think about the night a lot. I just dont talk about it. I joke around and laugh a lot, but I think Sophie is the only one who can see through me; she smiles and checks in on me. Mattheo knows it, too. He notices me rolling around at night and having trouble sleeping. Yet, I treat him like nothing happened.

"Hmm?" He looks down at me as I lay in his lap, the sun hitting my face.

"You look tired. I think you almost fell asleep a few minutes ago." He smiles before leaning down to kiss my head. I smile a little, hearing Draco throw Soph in the water for the fifth time in the last ten minutes. "No, I'm not tired. I am just trying to enjoy the last night here before we return home." Matt nods a little, looking at the sunset like he is thinking about something.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" I ask, resulting in him staring down at me, confused.


"You look like you are thinking of something. You have that thinking gaze." He smiles a little.

"Do you like it here? In Nice?" His question makes me stay quiet, thinking a little. I do like it here. It's beautiful, has good food and is close to everything. It's amazing.

"I do. Why?" He shrugs a little.

"I always have wondered where I will end up after Hogwarts. I want to go somewhere special and begin a new life. Somewhere where I dont have to think about my reputation." I nod a little. I would like that.

"I always saw myself moving somewhere far away from everyone. Live in a little city or something where no one would find me. I wanted to be alone." I suck in my lip, not wanting to look at him. Does he still like that?

"Gracie?" I meet his gaze now, him smiling a little.


"That was before I met you. I wanna go wherever you go now. Even if it means I have to stay at fucking Hogwarts." I chuckle a little. It's cute.

"Do you mean that?" He nods.

"I want to be with you. For as long as you let me." I hide my face in his chest, trying to hide that I'm blushing hard right now.

"Hey guys," A wet Theo shows up in front of us, smiling big.

"Hey, bubs, did you have fun?" I ask, smiling bigger again. Theo nods as I hand him the towel.

"We are heading back to the house. Are you two coming?" I look up to Mattheo, who is nodding before I stand up, almost falling, but Theo grabs me.

"You okay there, alcohol girly?" He smirks at me as I hit him.

"I'm not drinking that much. Shut up." They both roll their eyes at me. Fuck off.


"Did you ever think of fucking me before we talked?" I ask Matt as we lay in the bed talking later that night. I dont know where the question came from. It just got out.

"Do you want me to answer that?" He asks, leaning down to kiss my neck. I turn to face him, holding my body up with my elbows.


"Why?" I shrug.

"Because you fucked lots of girls... I wanna know if you were attracted by me before we begin to talk...Since you-"

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