Chapter Seven ㅡ "She is my wife."

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Soon, people approached her, toasting and congratulating her on her success. Within moments, Taehyung could barely see the woman through the thick crowd.

Little did he know, he had an equally large entourage around him, eager to get close. If not for the guards keeping people back as well as the extremely cold aura he was radiating, He would be even more popular than Jisoo.

"Why the long face?" A young and attractive man sidled up to Taehyung and casually slung his arm around his shoulders.

Jisoo saw the man's movements out of the corner of her eye and tilted her head slightly. She knew from her investigations that Taehyung hated physical contact.

So who was this person?

To be let through by the guards dare to act too intimately...

Jisoo mentally smacked herself.

Of course!

Once more, Jisoo cursed herself for missing this detail when she launched her plan.

Why did none of her reports state that Kim Taehyung preferred men?

How was she supposed to seduce the fellow and get a baby from him now?

A tiny frown appeared on her forehead and she excused herself from her fans.

"What are you looking at?" The young man asked Taehyung with a gossipy look on his face.

Suddenly, he gasped and grabbed onto Taehyung's arm dramatically. "Hyung! I think I'm in love!" Taehyung's lips twitched and he surreptitiously shook off the man's hand as he reached for his wine and took a sip.

Undeterred, the man patted his thigh excitedly and then gestured with his wine glass when Taehyung turned his head. "Look! She's perfect!"

Taehyung followed his line of sight and his face darkened. "Forget it."

Confused, the young man, Jeon Jungkook, asked, "Why? Do you know her"

Taehyung did not bother to answer and merely drank his wine, Jungkook pouted and dramatically sighed, "Don't tell me that that goddess is one of your many admirers... How many ladies have you fend off by using me as a shield this year?"

Then the young man suddenly stood up, "Well, not this time, Bro. I refuse to sacrifice my future happiness for your sake."

Taehyung quickly grabbed the impulsive young man's arm to stop him, Jungkook looked at Taehyung in askance.

Then he complained, "Hyungg!, you look jealous. If I didn't know any better l' d assume you were jealous of me... Wait, it can't be that you actually have feelings for me, right?"

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