Chapter Eleven

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Currently everyone was sat inside the helicopter. The ride was silent for the most part. The only things spoken about were tasks and minor missions upcoming.

Gaz and Price sat on one side while the other three sat across from them on the other side. Y/N sat between both soap and ghost but of course her body leaned more towards ghost than anything. She sat up, one hand on her handgun as a force of habit while her other hand was behind her on the seat supporting her.

Ghost reached a bit behind himself, his hand bumping into y/n's unintentionally. He shot a glance at her that was returned. They locked eyes for a brief moment. Ghost didn't move his hand away but he tensed up a bit, it seemed like he was conflicted, arguing with himself.

y/n just stared at him though, she cupped his hand and intertwined their fingers, feeling ghost tense just a bit more. His nerves were all over the place. Trying to keep his hard demeanor up.

"What're you thinking of..?" y/n asks curiously.

Ghost just let out a breath, looking away, "nothing I should be."

y/n cocked an eyebrow at him and hummed, shifting her body so she leaned on him.

While the two of them started talking, so did the other three. The silence in the chopper vanished amongst the quiet chatter that erupted. y/n glanced at the others before looking up at Ghost who had already changed his glance to stare at her again.

"You look good in gear, I have to admit." he said, his British accent lacing his words strongly.

y/n swore she had to physically restrain herself from just jumping on him.

Instead she giggled, "you're telling me? Look at you." she hummed. "I wish I could see your face." she said, cupping his jaw.

"You will again." he said, smirking under his mask.

y/n pulled her hand away from her handgun and instead pressed it against ghost's chest, smiling up at him.

The moment immediately shattered, though, as the glass window behind the three of them shattered and broke.

Everyone jumped, bodies turning towards where the bullet had come from.

All of a sudden their helicopter was bombarded by two enemy choppers, one on each side. A shared logo on both of them, men inside all wearing the same uniform.

"Steaming Jesus, its Shadow!" soap shouted, grabbing his gun as he spoke and turned around in his seat to face out the window.

He'd started shooting at the enemy men, bullets started flying in from both directions though.

"Price, hold me down." y/n said as she slid between gaz and price. He'd done just that, supporting her as she broke the window enough to basically hang halfway outside of it.

She grabbed her gun and also started shooting. She'd hit the men on the outside first, killing them with her bullets and watching as they now free falled off the chopper. However now she aimed at the front, trying to down the driver.

While she did this, Gaz went to soap's side to support him and shoot out the other side.

Bullets wizzed by everyone's head like it was nothing.

Ghost whipped his head around as he heard y/n shout. His eyes filled with worry as he watched her fight out the window.

This wasn't the best time to fall into a state like this, but he couldn't help but admire y/n and how well she was handling a moment like this.

"Fuck!" Someone shouted, snapping ghost out of his thoughts. 

Suddenly, they heard beeping from inside their vehicle, their own driver was hit. The helicopter started faltering, the air pressure change was enough for them to realize they were now falling in the sky.

Bittersweet ♡ Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader.Where stories live. Discover now