Chapter Five

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The group now piled themselves into a truck that fit everyone perfectly. In the front was Alejandro and Rudy, Rudy behind the wheel. In the two seater second row sat Ghost and Soap and behind them sat Price, Y/N, and Gaz.

Y/N looked over at Soap who was staring out the window.

"It looks like everyone cleaned up nice around here, mate. A lot less.. murderous than last time we came here."  He spoke.

Alejandro chuckled, "with El Sin Nombre away, we've had pequeño a ninguno problems in our streets."

Y/N looked over at Alejandro, "who?"

"El Sin Nombre. Or, Valeria Garza, esa perra." He spat her name, like it stung his tongue to speak it.

Y/N just squinted and sat back. "We heard about her back on base." She said.

"Oh really?" Speaks Rudy, intrigued. He just shot a glance at the girl from the mirror.

She nodded, "that's how I heard about you and Alejandro before we met up.. I've heard just a little bit about the 'los vaqueros'... of course before you told me yourself, Colonel." she trailed out.

The two nodded, Alejandro smirking pridefully. He loved when people talked well about them.

The chatter dies down as they approach Alejandro's base.

It was huge. To the side though was a huge pile of rubble and broken down tanks. Some buildings where blown up. Y/N didn't question it though.

Rudy parked the truck and hopped out, Alejandro did the same.

Ghost then opened his door, stepping out the truck and walking towards Rudy who stood near the entrance.

Soap then left on his side of the truck, both Price and Gaz climbed out from the back. Leaving y/n to leave the truck last.

As she was climbing out from the back, Alejandro grabbed her hand gently and helped her out.

"Me permitirá," he says, smiling.

The girl returned the smile, thanking him and standing up straight as Alejandro shut the door.

"Welcome to the home of the Los vaqueros.." he says, looking down at the girl as they walked side by side.

The other team members were a lot more familiar with this place so he didn't catch up with them quite yet. They all just followed Rudy inside.

"This place is huge. It's beautiful." Y/N said, chuckling.

"El interior es aún mejor. We've got loads of room, we'll make sure you feel as good as home." He says.

"Well thank you."

The two of them eventually catch up with the others.

"Y/N, Alejandro, I was showing the others where they're rooms would be. Jabón y fantasma tenían que compartir una habitación, de lo contrario, elle tendría que compartir una habitación con uno de los chicos." Says Rudy.

Y/N gave him a slight confused look when he spoke Spanish but Alejandro nodded.

"Gracias, Rudy. I'm going to round everyone up so they know what's about to go down," Alejandro says.

He suddenly placed his hand on the small of y/n's back. She looked at him.

"Rudy will show you where you'll be staying for now," he says before walking off.

And as said, Rudy brings her downstairs to where extra rooms have been kept.

"What did you say to Alejandro? If you don't mind me asking?" Y/N says.

Bittersweet ♡ Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt