The yak that me and Hiccup were holding onto ran away at the sound of a dragon squawking. "Wait we haven't looked at this from an animals perspective." Fishlegs said getting onto his hands and knees. "Oh hello Mr. Dragon. I'm just a little sheep here, walking, doing sheep things. Baaaa, baaaa!" I laughed when Fishlegs started trying to sound like a sheep. "You know he doesn't really see so big and scary." He said and looked back at the dragon who roared in his face which made him run and hide under Meatlug. "Sorry, but I'm siding with the sheep on this one."

"Look I've learned that once you have a positive experience with something you're afraid of, it isn't so scary anymore." Hiccup said herding three sheep towards the dragons. "And that's what we'll do to these sheep, we gotta prove to them that they have nothing to be-" Hiccup was interrupted by a sheep getting set on fire by a Monstrous Nightmare. I rush over to help Hiccup put the sheep out."At this rate we'll never get any milk or eggs." Hiccup says.

At this point every animal was running in every which way. "Another way for the animals to overcome their fear, is to show them that dragons, are afraid of this to." Hiccup says. "Remember Magnus the Merciless, he was a pretty scary guy." Astrid says. "I was afraid of him until I learned that he was afraid of the dark. No way, the Astrid Hofferson was afraid?" I joke. "Shut up." She says in a tone that I couldn't tell if she was joking or not.

"So during the day Merciless." Tuff starts. "And during the night Tuffnut." Ruff finishes earning a punch in the shoulder from her brother. "Ow! Hey, that's a real problem." Tuff reasons. "I'm just saying, knowing he was afraid of something made him less scary to me." Astrid says with Hiccup agreeing.

"So let's show the yaks that dragons are afraid of things too." Hiccup said holding eels up to the dragons. They both leaped back and the yaks looked at each other. "I think it's working!" I say exited as a eel slips from Hiccups hand and starts making its way towards the Monstrous Nightmare. It shrieked back hitting a sheep with its tail making it fly and hit the wall.

Hiccup groans and I walk up to him. "Don't worry." I say. "Worry? I'm not worried, do I look worried?" Just then lightning erupts in our ears.

"You know what I'm learning from this? Chickens are really well chicken." Hiccup says placing the chickens on the ground after the last freak out they had. "What if we showed then how much they have in common with the dragons." Fishlegs suggests. "They both lay eggs right? A Terrible Terror laid one last week!" He says putting a large egg for a dragon that size in front of the chickens.

One chicken hopped on top of it while the others stood around it. "Alright see, an eggs and egg right ladies?" Hiccup says and the egg explodes causing the animals to go crazy.

"Everybody out the storm is here!" Gobber said walking into the arena along with Mulch. "Wait, we haven't made any progress with the animals." Hiccup tells Gobber. "Your father wants everyone in the Great Hall." Gobber says herding the animals out as Astrid and I share a nervous glance.

"Take the others, I need to stay and keep working with the animals there, there still afraid." Hiccup tells Gobber. "You can't get eggs from a frozen chicken. We've got to get the animals in the barn!" Gobber yells over the storm.

"So much for the barn." Gobber says as we all stare at the barn that's covered in snow. "There's no other place to hold 'em!" Mulch says panicked. "The Great Hall!" Hiccup yells pointing at the building. "So we're gonna have the dragons and the animals under the same roof, we know that won't work." Mulch says defeated. "We have no choice let's go." Hiccup says as we start to herd the animals off.

"This way!" Astrid yells as we both herd a sheep back on route. All of the sudden a lightning bolt strikes a tree which scares Stormfly and her tail hits Hookfang who sets himself on fire and blasts near a Yack making all the animals run everywhere. I groan as I see all of our animals running away.

"Where are you going?" Gobber asks Hiccup as he mounts Toothless. "Forget it Hiccup, we'll never get 'em rounded up in this storm!" Gobber finishes for me. "With Toothless I can, I have to try. If I don't, we starve to death. Your father would kill me if I left you out here!" Gobber try's but Hiccup already took to the sky. I took that as my cue to follow. "Eris, will you talk some since- no no no not you to! Eris!" Gobber yells at the sight of me mounting d/n. I fly off and here Gobber yelling behind me at the rest of the teenagers for following us.

Flying through the trees I could barley even see Hiccup and Toothless in front of me. Toothless would blast a light now and again so we could see. "You find as many as you can! We'll herd them back to the great hall!" Hiccup says trying to yell over the storm. "Can we swing by my house? I'd like to get my heavy coat!" Fishlegs yells. "Check this out!" Tuffnut says slapping himself. "I'm so cold I can't feel my face!" Ruffnut gladly slaps her twin. "Didn't feel it!" Tuff yells. "That takes all the fun out of it." Ruffnut says frustrated.

We come out of the trees and past a cliff to see the animals. "There they are! Come on!" Hiccup yells. "Yaks to the left!" Fishlegs yells. "Chickens to the right." Snotlout yells pushing Fishlegs and Meatlug out of the way. "Hey, I'm flying here!" He yells back. Snotlout then try's to herd the sheep by yelling at them to follow him. He doesn't pay attention where he's flying and crashes into a tree.

Next Fishlegs tried to "baa" like a sheep and he thought it was working until he got stuck in between the ground and a fallen tree.

"I got them! Come on Astrid!" I yell and d/n uses her fire to get them into a group and Stormfly uses her spines to make a cage around them. We high five but with Snotlouts horrible flying he flys to close to the ground and knocks the spines over releasing the sheep. "Snotlout what are you doing!" Astrid yells. "Your all over the place!" I add as we watch him fly like a maniac. "You try herding chickens with a dragon that dosent listen to you!" He yells back at us.

"Hiccup stray sheep!" Astrid yells pointing at a baby sheep falling off a cliff. Right before it touches the ground Toothless picks it up and places it back down. "Hiccup! The storm is getting worse I can't see anything!" I yell to Hiccup and Toothless blasts in another direction to see a couple of yaks. "Stray yaks 12 o'clock!" Hiccup yells pointing in the direction of the animals.

"I see them, and they are huge!" Tuffnut yells as they go for the yaks. Barf & Belch pick them out in their claws and Tuffnut triumphantly yells "I got the yaks! Put me down right now!" Stoick yells from the claws of the dragon. Tuff and Ruff were confused but dropped the Vikings mid flight.

"Do I look like a yak to you?!" Gobber yells getting up by a yak and I have to say I can see the resemblance.

Hiccup and Toothless land to talk to his dad. "You shouldn't be out here Hiccup!" Stoick yells. "Dad, I'm sorry I let you down. It's not your fault son. I'm taking you back." Stoick says. "Which way?" Gobber asks. "We'll follow our tracks." Stoick says pointing to the snow only to see nothing. "So much for that idea!" Gobber yells.

"Sir, what do we do now?" Fishlegs asks Stoick and we all look at him. "Everyone, come together." He said with open arms and we all got together to share body heat. All of our dragons surrounded so and opened their wings to protect us from the snow. "What are they doing?" Stoick asks. "Their protecting us." Hiccup says. "It's their natural instinct." I say.

The dragons all blast the snow to create more heat. Toothless saw that the sheep that he saved was cold so he left the circle and convinced it to come with into the heat. It reluctantly did so and when it got there the baby sheep motioned for her parents to come to and they did as well as all the other animals. "Your dragons are really something son." Stoick said motioning to all of them. "Yeah, they are."

After the storm we brought all the animals back to berk. Everyone was excited to hear that the chickens are laying eggs again and that the animals and dragons are getting along great.

We made our peace with the dragons when we saw that we could trust them. Turns out they actually have instincts to protect us, all of us. Life on Berk just got a little warmer.
The end but got a little rocky but whatever.

How to train you dragon-Eris the Enchanting Where stories live. Discover now