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part two of the last chapter featuring quinn

Quinn was utterly pissed at herself for pestering Santana about what she meant by a long story. She hadn't expect Santana to go into such detail about what happened when her and Brittany encountered with Mr. Schue. She definitely was not pleased that the girl continued to tell her about what happened after they actually left him standing shocked in the school hallway. She tried to block Santana out but no amount of loud singing would drown out the reenactment the girl was doing. She retold the story with not only vivid details but actual moans and touches, just to piss Quinn off. Santana of course, didn't know that she was only turning the other blonde on.

Quinn waited for all of the Cheerio's to take their showers first after practice, so she could have some alone time. She couldn't get the images of Santana fucking Brittany out of her head and she needed release. Quinn had already ruined her spanks during practice thanks to Santana finding ways to moan in her ear whenever they were close enough. She knew the tan girl was trying to be an ass, thinking she didn't want to hear about her sexual escapades when that was only true for one reason.

Quinn didn't want to hear about her and Brittany's sexy times because she continuously fantasized about them. No matter how hard Quinn tried to ignore the girls fooling around at sleep overs or cheer camp it never worked. And while they would be getting their wet lady kisses on in the bunk below her or on the floor next to her bed she would always get off to them. She couldn't help but succumb to her urges. She basically had live porn in her room. So like any other time the two girls turned her on to the point of no return, Quinn did what she had to.

She hopped in the shower stall in the back of the Cheerio's locker room (The one she deemed off limits to anyone but herself). She turned on the hot water and let it slide down her body. She closed her eyes and envisioned the two girls she wanted so desperately to join taking her in the astrology room and ripping her clothes off. She brought one hand up to massage her left breast as she bit her lip thinking about how amazingly soft Santana's hand's would feel if they were there instead of her own. She then slowly ran her other hand down her stomach as she envisioned touching Brittany's abs, teasing her before she plunged into her dripping center.

Quinn's hand finally made it down to her soaking folds and she whimpered at how wet she actually was. She teased her clit circling it ever so slowly acting as if it was Santana's tongue. The thought sending a new wave of arousal to her core and adding more wetness to her already coded fingers.

"San, I know I left my Jacket in here." Brittany said as she entered the girl's locker room.

"That's what you said when we looked behind the bleachers and in the janitor's closet." Santana groaned.

"I know but I'm sure it's actually here this time. And if it's not I'll make it up to you for helping me look for it." Brittany said pushing the shorter girl up against the lockers.

"Man, I hope it's not in here." Santana whispered, causing the blonde to giggle and back off of her.

"I'll check in her you go check the showers." Brittany said.

Santana groaned but did as she was told and made her way to the showers.

Quinn was panting heavily now, her hand pumping in and out of her with a rapid pace. He mind going into autopilot when she thought she heard the tanned girl actually groan. Little did she know it wasn't in her mind. The blonde was nearing her climax and couldn't hold in her moans any longer and since everyone had gone home already she didn't see the need in being quiet.

"Ahh fuck" She moaned out loud when she hit her g-spot.

Santana had walked into the showers but couldn't find Brittany's jacket. She was going to turn around to get her well-deserved sexy times on when she heard what sounded like moaning. She began to walk to the back of the room when she heard the last shower stall was running. She knew for a fact that it was the shower Quinn used and was ready to tear off anyone's head who thought it would be okay to get it on in the cheerio's locker room, let alone the one her best friend deemed as hers. But as she got closer a smirk formed on her face as well as wetness pooling in her spanks when she heard who was in the stall.

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