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Woop! Woop!

Brittany glanced behind her, using the rearview mirror, and sighed heavily. She cursed her luck before slowing her not quite reliable car and pulled off to the side of the road. The cop car followed suit, lights still flashing red and blue. She must have stared at them for a moment too long, because suddenly she was dizzy. Shaking her head she turned the radio off and rolled down the window in preparation of the officer coming.

She hoped she could flirt her way out of whatever ticket the greasy pig would throw at her. She hadn't been speeding, so she assumed it would be for something asinine. She turned towards her large purse on the passenger's side seat, and dove into it quickly to make sure the bag of weed was safely tucked away from sight.

Officer Santana Lopez sighed as she shifted her car into park. She slipped out and made her way over to the other's idling car, making sure to press her fingers against the back corner, in case anything would happen to her there was now a set of her fingerprints on the car. She slipped her flashlight from the belt on her waist and clicked in on, peering through the back windows into the backseat area to check for other passengers.

When she strut up to the driver's window she bent down to eye level, leaning her forearm against the top of the door to peer into the already opened window. Her gaze roved over the beautiful blonde woman in the driver's seat. She smirked, "Evening Miss," she started in a lazy drawl, "Know why I pulled you over?"

Brittany was not expecting the Officer to look so extremely delectable. Even more so, she wasn't expecting a woman at all, but especially not a woman like this. She had long black hair that was pulled back into a tight ponytail and was mostly hidden by her uniform cap. Her skin was sun-kissed caramel, and looked smooth to the touch. Plump red lips were pulled into a devious smirk that a cop should absolutely not wear. Brittany wished she could get a look at the woman's eyes, but they were hidden behind a dark pair of aviator sunglasses.

"You're really pretty," Brittany mused out loud, without really thinking about it.

Officer Lopez raised an eyebrow from behind her sunglasses at the compliment; the blonde's voice was whimsical and thoughtful, as if she hadn't really meant to say it out loud. "Thank you but flattery won't get you out of a ticket, your left tail light is cracked, and the brake light is out. I'll need your license, car registration and proof of insurance."

Brittany pouted slightly, saying softly, "I was just trying to tell you I liked what I saw," while she rummaged through her large purse.

Santana's eyebrows skyrocketed at that off-handed admission, before clearing her face of emotion once again. The blonde turned to face her only moments later holding out her license. The Latina reached out, grabbing it, but the blonde didn't seem to want to let go just yet, so she scowled as the girl tugged the plastic towards her. When the blonde finally let go she was giggling softly, even under the glare Santana was giving her.

Her eyes read over the information, quick to spur the girl into action, because the blonde was still just staring at her, "Brittany, I'll need your car registration and proof of insurance as well.."

"Oh, of course!" Her tone and cheery disposition made no sense for someone who had just been pulled over. And Santana narrowed her eyes at the girl, watching as she reached over into the glove box. Her gaze dropped, roaming the girl's lean body slowly, from the muscles straining in her neck, down to where bare thighs, exposed by short shorts, clenched.

Officer Lopez licked her lips, shifting her gaze when Brittany made a move to straighten, and brought her eyes up to meet the girl's. Where she saw that bright blue were twinkling with amusement. No, she hadn't been caught staring had she? When she arched a thin black eyebrow at the girl, Brittany handed over the papers.

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