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Santana looked on jealously in silence, pouting as Finn and Brittany carried buckets of sand, both of them completely enthusiastic about building their sand sculpture. It kept getting bigger and higher as they added more sand to it. Their voices grew louder whenever one of them would share their ideas and they would run back and forth to get shovels, or bring back buckets of water.

Not that she would admit to being jealous, especially of Finn Hudson of all people. She was sitting under an umbrella not far away from them, frowning whenever a sea of sand would rain down on her from the two teens' forceful actions. She adjusted her sunglasses, cursing when she realized that her entire body was now covered in the particles. She liked the beach but she hated sand, maybe almost as much as Anakin Skywalker did, which Tina said was weird of her but what did that goth know about anything?

"Hey watch it, Orca!" She snarled at Finn who just held up his hands defensively.

She couldn't believe the losers in the Glee club were having a sandcastle competition. What were they, twelve? This was so lame. They even asked her to be a judge.

All the same, Brittany deserved to win. That went without saying. As much as she didn't care what happened to Finn, there was no way Brittany could lose to Tina and Puck on the other team.

Santana was alarmed by Brittany suddenly standing over her in her tiny light blue and white bikini. It was difficult to focus on anything the blonde was saying when all she saw were the sexiest legs in existence. Brittany put her hands on her hips with that flirty half smile she always seemed to have around Santana, her sky blue eyes shimmery. She seemed to be in her element.

"Hi, Sand-Tana. What are you doing all alone, Silly? Don't you want to help us?" Brittany's light, teasing tone snapped her out of her thoughts. Santana nearly jumped out of her skin, flustered at the blonde's touch when Brittany brushed some of the sand off of her shoulder. "How come you're playing in sand? I thought you hated it. It's all over you."

Santana frowned at the nickname but Brittany said it so cutely with this flirtatious stare under her eyelashes that the Latina completely melted. She did however give a death glare to Finn who started laughing and repeating the nickname in amusement. Oh yeah, you think that's hilarious, don't you, Manboobs?

"N-no thanks, Britt." Santana struggled to breathe as Brittany leaned over. The idea of building a sandcastle at all but especially with Finnocence of all people was not high on her agenda for a good time at the beach. The high-maintenance girl didn't want to be digging in wet, mushy sand and getting her hands all gross.

"Um, should we just make a drizzle castle?" Santana heard Finn ask the tall blonde girl in his dorky Finn voice when she walked over to him again. Brittany shook her head, tilting it to the side and was quiet for a moment as an idea seemed to come to her.

"Hmm no, Finn. We have to do a cat. Cats are amazing."

"Oh, maybe you're right," Finn acknowledged. "That will definitely help us win."

The Latina could never understand the conversations Finn and Brittany had together as they both seemed to operate in another dimension.

Santana raised an eyebrow, confused when Brittany eventually lead her over to see it when they were done. She gestured towards the giant sculpture that seemed to be vaguely in the shape of a cartoon blob cat. At least, it could be that. It was difficult to figure out what it was.

Finn and Brittany both seemed so proud of their work. Santana didn't understand it at all but Brittany was smiling at her expectantly and the dark-haired girl thought everything Brittany did was amazing so there had to be some hidden genius to this as well.

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