Ch 31 || Papers and Cuts

Start from the beginning

Okay, Tay. Think logically.

According to reports, about seventy-five percent of victims knew their stalker. If this was even a stalker. So, who did I know, who had a grudge against me? Well, several people actually. But only one knew where I lived. Chris.

Would he really stoop that low, though? It didn't seem likely but then again, he also cheated which I hadn't seen coming either.

Fuck laundry. I wasn't going to sit around and play the victim.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Suz's number.

"Hey," I said quickly. "Can you find out what party Chris is at tonight?" It was Saturday. No way, he was sitting at home.

"Probably, why?"

"Because we're going there."

"Gotcha," Suz replied after a moment of silence and I relaxed a little. "Picking you up in thirty."

I started rummaging through my closet. I was going to dress tough tonight. Like some bad bitch who wouldn't take any shit. At least, I'd look the part. I picked out ripped skinny jeans, a tight-fitted black shirt, and my black leather jacket. Then I marched into the bathroom to grab my moisturizer and make-up bag. It was time for some war paint. My skin would have to tough it out for a few hours.

I finished applying mascara fifteen minutes later and stared into the mirror. The dark liner certainly made me look confident. Now I just had to feel it. I clenched and unclenched my hands several times. Every time I did, short bursts of pain erupted. I would not be intimidated. Especially not by my ex-boyfriend.

Suz was right on time. She took one look at my attire, grinned proudly, and exclaimed, "So, what's the plan? Should I have brought my shovel? Are we finally burying his sorry ass?"

"Nope. Just having a chat."


I rolled my eyes at the hopeful note in her voice. "No."

When she spoke up again, her tone was carefully neutral. "So, what caused this sudden epiphany?"

I hesitated for a moment before I replied. "I think I might have a stalker or something."

"What?" she exclaimed, whipping her head around.

"Hey, that light is red!"

"Oh yeah!" She slammed on the brakes, jarring me forward.

I spat out some of my hair. "How about we make it there in one piece."

Suz didn't miss a beat. "You got a stalker? Why the hell am I just finding out about this now?"

Frowning, I scratched at my arm.

"What happened to your hand? Tay?" she probed after another moment of silence. "Wait," she all but shrieked. "Don't tell me Chris has been stalking you? Is that why you've been kind of weird lately? Even Cody and Killian asked me if anything was up."

I straightened a little. "They did?"

"Yeah. And I don't have to answer them, but I don't like not having an answer about what's going on with my best friend if you know what I mean."

I felt strangely lighter all of a sudden. "I've been getting some weird...letters."

"Letters like what?"

I grimaced. My face must have spoken for itself because she continued in a higher voice, "Don't tell me, like threats?"

Hiding this from Suz wasn't an option, so, I told her. Everything. My student ID. The threats. The package.

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