Chapter 11

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Asura didn't press Terra to divulge what he had wanted to say. They both had their secrets, he supposed. They went back to the cave and changed into clean clothes, in separate parts of the cave, where they couldn't see each other. "Hey, Terra, I'm going to go to Willow's place. Maybe if I learn some healing magic, we'll be safer," he explained.

"Asura, it doesn't work like that. You have to be born with magic in your.. blood," Terra stated, but by the time he had finished his sentence, Asura was gone.

"Hey, Willow," Asura said when she let him into the house.

"Hey. What's up? I thought you'd want to spend time with Terra," she explained.

"He's okay. Honestly it seems like he's not even shaken. But oh my god! The way you were fighting off those officers! You were like- like- some sort of warrior angel! So graceful, but so fierce at the same time! And beautiful! Er… I mean, y- you know, you looked good," Asura admitted.

"Shit," Willow thought.

"Did you.. need something?" She asked.

"I was hoping you could teach me how to use magic," Asura stated.

"No. You have to be born with magic in your blood. And you weren't. You would know by now if you were," Willow explained.

"Oh." Asura responded.

"Need anything else?" Willow asked. Her demeanor had clearly changed from extremely nice to fairly cold within a few seconds.

"Nope. I.. Er- yeah, I'll just go back to Terra's place," Asura stated awkwardly.

He got back and Terra greeted him. 

"Hey. Honestly I was worried. We've been through our fair share of near-death experiences together, so I'm glad you're okay," Terra admitted. "Oh. You.. don't have to worry about me," Asura said. He couldn't think of any better response. 

"I- um. I do have to worry. I- you're my best friend. What I wanted to tell you earlier… I just- haven't worked up the courage to say it yet. But it's got to do with that," Terra explained, "I'll tell you eventually."

Asura nodded, and opened his mouth to speak when Willow came in.

"Terra. You wanted to talk? So do I," She announced, "Meet me behind the cave." When she finished speaking, she left.

"I'll be right back," Terra mumbled.

Terra met Willow behind the cave. "Willow. I'm not mad at you. I just- I don't want to-" Terra sighed. "I guess I was just a little embarrassed. But hey, I think I'm building up the courage to ask him out."

"Terra. We have a serious problem. Remember how you couldn't hear the siren's call?" Willow asked.

"Yeah. It was because I was underwater," He responded.

"No. It's because you don't like girls. I couldn't hear the call either. Besides, I know some things about sirens. You can only hear their hypnotizing song if you like girls," Willow explained. Terra took a big breath.

"And Asura could hear it," Terra realized. He looked down. "Do you think… maybe… he likes girls and guys?" Terra asked with a sliver of hope in his voice.

"It's possible, Terra. But there's something else," Willow looked at him sadly.

"What's that?" Terra asked, deciding from the tone of Willow's voice that it was more bad news.

"Asura called me a warrior angel. And he called me beautiful. All at the same time," Willow admitted. "It… It frustrates me. Because I want him to be with you too."

Terra looked up again, a little surprised. "O- Oh. Okay." He turned and looked away again, letting out another sigh. "Willow… If you think you could be happy with him you should date him. I mean, obviously if you're not into him don't be with him, but don't mark him as off limits just because I like him. I want him to be happy. If that means he has to be with you… as long as you're happy as well, it's worth it," Terra admitted. Willow smiled at Terra.

"You know, that's proof that you love him right there. That you're okay with him dating your best friend while you like him as long as it makes him happy. That you're willing to trade your happiness for his. But I don't like him that way," Willow explained. Terra smiled. "I do love him," he said, "Truly."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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