Chapter 8

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Back in town, an officer walked cautiously towards the police station. She'd had some trouble navigating out of the forest she'd run away into. When she got to the station, she flung open the door. "I have a lead," She announced. "That monster… the one who lives in the cave. He attacked myself and two other officers. The others got away unscathed, but he attacked me. I.. think the only reason I'm alive right now is to deliver a message. He said that this case was personal. At first, I thought he was just being territorial, since he does look a lot like a wolf, but on my way back here, the thought occurred to me that he may be keeping Asura safe. Since he does seem to be capable of showing mercy, that is," The chief thought for a moment. "So you're proposing we go to the cave?" He asked. 

"Not without weapons. I'm proposing a hunt. This monster shouldn't be on the loose anyways," she claimed. Another officer piped in. "He came into town today, and investigated the murder site. That's pretty good proof he's defending this criminal. Besides, he is dangerous. We're lucky he didn't decide to hurt any citizens. And the people rightfully fear him. We'll be better off with him gone," he added. "You have a point, both of you," The chief admitted, "So. A hunt it is! Remember, we're not to hurt Asura if we find him. He's still a… citizen, though he may easily be considered a monster as well. Even so, he has the right to a trial." The officers gathered their weapons and headed towards the cave.

"Asura!" Terra called from the opening of the cave. 

"Yeah?" Asura asked, following Terra's voice. 

"We should hang out," Terra said.

"Don't we already?" Asura questioned.

"I want to go someplace," Terra clarified.

"I see. Have a place in mind?" Asura asked.

"There's a lake nearby. I have a small boat we could use. It's pretty remote, so you won't have to worry about getting caught," Terra offered.

"That sounds great!" Asura smiled.

"I'll make some lunch, then we can go," Terra responded. 

"Oh! Can we invite Willow? I'm sure she'd love to come," Asura requested.

"Oh… um. Sure, why not?" Terra answered, then went inside to cook a meal. Asura made his way to Willow's cottage. He knocked on the door when he got there.

"It's funny how I'm always expecting Terra. Did you need that potion again?" Willow asked when she saw Asura.

"No, actually, Terra and I were about to go on a boat ride at the lake and we wanted to invite you," Asura responded.

"Oh. Terra wanted me to come?" Willow asked, looking confused.

"Well, I proposed the idea, but he seemed cool with it, so yeah, I think he'd like you to come," Asura answered.

"Yeah. Well I'm free, so why not?" Willow said with a smile. They headed back to Terra's cave. He was at the entrance, ready to go.

"What'd you make?" Asura asked, looking at the bag in Terra's hand.

"I went hunting, so I cooked steak. I hope that's okay with you? I also picked some raspberries and cooked some rice in case you didn't like meat," Terra replied as they walked toward the lake.

"Are there cows in the forest?" Asura asked, confused.

"Oh, it's deer meat, but we just call it steak because it's the closest thing we can get out here," Willow explained, "Terra's cooking is really good though. You should at least try it."

"I don't doubt it's good, I was just confused. And how did you get the rice?" Asura asked, "The raspberries make sense because I've seen some growing wildly around here."

"Right," Terra said, "I forget you haven't been around here. I have a small farm near the cave. I guess you haven't seen it yet. I grow rice, wheat, and a few types of vegetables."

"I see," Asura responded.

"Well, here we are," Terra said as the lake came into sight. He handed Willow the bag of food, and dragged his boat, which was on the riverbank, into the river, where it was shallow enough for him to stand. Around the same area, a few of the trees had been cut down.

"Did you make the boat yourself?" Asura asked.

"I did, but don't worry, it's very sturdy. It's never tipped over once," Terra stated.

"I'm not worried, it's just… that's impressive. You're really completely self-sufficient, even for the purpose of fun," Asura realized.

"Oh. Thanks," Terra mumbled, blushing. "Well, the boat's ready! I'll hold it still while you two get on." Willow and Asura boarded the boat and Terra climbed in after them, bringing some water with him.

"Sorry about that. I have yet to build a dock for it," he admitted. Once they were out on the water, Willow gave Terra the lunch bag back, and he passed the food around. Asura dug in immediately. 

"Mm! Dis ish sho good!" He exclaimed with his mouth full. Terra smiled.

"I'm glad you like it," he admitted. Asura smiled, then looked around as if he had heard something. Eventually he caught sight of it, and started staring into the water. As the mysterious sound got louder, Asura reached into the water. He seemed to be in a sort of trance. Suddenly, something grabbed onto his hand, and he came to his senses. It was too late. The creature quickly pulled him underwater before he had time to react.

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