Chapter 6

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That night, at midnight, Asura woke up again. He had set an alarm on his watch. "What's wrong with me?" he wondered. "I have to figure this out. Or I might die. Or… worse, I might kill even more people. I'd never forgive myself if I hurt Terra.. Even if I had no memory of it." Asura got up and left the cave. He saw his footprints from the previous night. "I guess I can start here. Trace myself back to the scene of the crime. But I'll need a disguise if I don't want to get caught. What about that friend of Terra's? I bet she could help me." He walked through the woods until he came across Willow's little cottage, which had a light pink roof and vines growing wildly around it. He knocked on the door, and she answered after a few seconds. "Oh, hello Asura. You're up late," she stated. "Sorry if I woke you," he responded. "You didn't. I'm usually up past midnight, due to insomnia. What's up?" She asked. "I need your help with a disguise. See, the reason I'm staying with Terra right now is because the police think I murdered someone, but I have no memory of hurting anyone."
"Who knows.. maybe I am what they say," Asura thought and paused his speech, then continued, "I need a disguise because I want to go into town. You can do magic, can't you? There's no other explanation for how you healed me this morning."
"Yes. I can do magic. Why do you want to go to town, though? It's only dangerous and I'm sure Terra can provide everything you need," Willow stated. "I… want to figure out who framed me. I am a detective after all, so if I can prove my innocence, I may be able to return to my regular life."
"I… see. I'll try my best," Willow offered. She walked around the room grabbing different bottles of mysterious substances. She set them all on a table that had a small cauldron, and mixed them together in different amounts. After a few minutes, Willow had a metallic pink potion ready. "It'll change your voice, hair color, eye color, and facial structure, but it’ll only last until about 9:00 in the morning if you drink it now. In other words, it lasts only nine hours. And…" She handed him a knife and continued, "Take this. Only use it if you have to. It will disintegrate whoever is stabbed with it, so don't use it lightly." He set the knife down on a table. "I don't need it. But thank you." "The truth is.." he thought, "if I truly am this… monster, I'd rather not arm myself with a deadly weapon."
"Asura. You need self defense. What if the police find you?" Willow asked. Her worried expression almost made Asura change his mind. Almost. 
"No. If they find me, I'll suffer the consequences. But I know better than anyone how to hide my tracks," he replied with confidence.
"If you say so. Good luck then, and be careful," Willow pleaded.
"Thank you, I will," Asura responded, and left the cottage. He drank the potion right when he got outside. His light blonde hair slowly turned to black and his freckles disappeared as his face quickly changed its structure. His eyes changed from the usual olive green to a deep brown. He looked like a different person.

Posessed [Work in progress title]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz