CHAPTER 6: The Sins of a King

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4/18 Monday Station Square, Morning(14 days until expulsion...)

Akira arrived at the crowded train. Only to see a red haired girl with the school's uniform talking to an older lady.

"You should probably sit down."

"I'd rather not."

"But you are the one carrying things."

"Alright then..."

As soon as the red-haired girl got up, a man took her spot in an instant. Akira saw this.

"Do you want me to deal with this? "

"No, you don't have to."

"Oh please, I insist." He merely smiled.

"Okay then..."

Akira turned to Morgana who saw the situation whispering something in his ear. Morgana agreed. Morgana was getting out of control. Morgana leaped onto the man, who panicked, got up and left. The old lady only saw the out of control cat.

"I guess the seat's available now, after you ma'am."

"Thank you young man"

The old lady sat down. Both Akira and the red-haired girl got off the train.

"Thank you"

"For what?"

"The cat didn't belong to you?"

"No it does, I just rather not take responsibility."

The girl laughed.

"Either way I don't mind helping out."

"Thank you so much"

"Why are you so formal with me?"

"You are a second year student, that makes you my senior."

"How do you know?"

"The number by your crest says what year you are in, for me it says 1, for you it will say 2."

"Thank you for the new info."

"It is my pleasure."

"Well I don't want either of us to be late, so have a nice day."

"I hope the same for you."

Akira picked up Morgana, going at a faster pace.

"So you're gonna hold up your end of the bargain?"

"When we are done with today's infiltration."

"But I want food nooooow."

"And you will get it, but not now."


They continue their way to school. The murmurs have gotten louder. Some about Akira being a criminal. Or Ryuji questioning the volleyball team. Even a few about Ann "dating" Kamoshida. Most of them are about Shiho's suicide attempt.

4/18 Kamoshida's Palace, After School

"Oh yeah blondy, you had a good idea for codenames, I can start with frizzy."

"Sure, go ahead."

"I think we call him Joker."

"Niice, like a wildcard up our sleeve. I already had time to think about my name."

"What is it?"

"Skull, cause of my mask."

"And what about our non feline friend."

How Thieves Steal Hearts: A King's Lust(Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now