CHAPTER 1: Another word for Prison

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Akira woke up, feeling terrible. He didn't wake up on his new milk bed as he calls it, waking up in a cell in inmates clothing. Now facing two twins dressed as prison guards and a bald man in a suit with a very long nose.

"Am I allowed to go back to sleep?"

"No you aren't inmate!" said the first small child guard with an eyepatch over her right eye.

"Justine, we should just let the inmate listen to what our master has to say?" said the other small child guard with an eyepatch over her left eye.

"Fair point Caroline, but let our master speak."

"Your Master?"

"They mean me Trickster, my name is Igor, I understand your confusion. My time only allows me to tell you that you are in my Velvet Room. A place between reality and dream."

"If this is called the Velvet Room why is it a prison?"

"This prison isn't how the room usually is. That is the current state of your heart as determined by our demon painter."

"I am also glad you learned the pattern, Trickster. My last words to give you before you awake are that you are in rehabilitation. All will be explained soon, see you next time Trickster."

4/10 Sunday Cafe Leblanc, Morning

He was left in pure confusion after he woke up. Uncomfy as hell, he dresses and goes downstairs to see Sojiro preparing breakfast.

"What are you making my parental guardian?"

"Didn't think I'd miss being called an old man, but we got more curry."

"Wait a moment, isn't curry more of a lunch/dinner thing?"

"This is the only thing we can make here, and the honor of being in my home is reserved for the very few."

"Fair, I don't think you would let a random adventure enter your home raiding your belongings."

"You know you sound like-." An alarm goes off on Sojiro's phone.

"Look at the time, we have to meet the principal and your new teacher."

Akira finished eating, washed his plate and entered Sojiro's car in the back seat. Apparently front seat privileges aren't for him yet.

They ride and get stuck in a traffic jam. The radio is talking about the recent subway incident. People are going berserk, having "mental breakdowns" and just disregarding their own life and anyone else's.

"That's the 4th time this month."

"4th time???"

"Sadly, this may apply to regular drivers. According to the news and radio, it may have been the cause of death for a 15 year old girl a month ago." His voice got much heavier.

"Any idea why this is happening?"

"No clue, but you're not supposed to be worried about that, maybe, okay you do have to be worried about it. But we meet, you put on a good impression for them, and learn a little bit about your new school."

"Thankfully this one took me in for my criminal record instead of expelling me for having one."

"Another thing is that you have to do well and not get expelled. Or else you go straight to jail."

"Yeah I know, no passing go, no collecting 200, none of that"

"Take this a little more seriously..., just promise me you will try and go to school."

"Okay Sojiro, I will try, if I fail, trains suck."


Akira had a meeting with Principal Kobayakawa, a bald teacher who wears yellow often who is a little on the fatter side. Next to him was Sadayo Kawakami, a teacher with messed up curly hair, a yellow striped sweater along with a jean blue skirt. Kawakami accidentally dropped an advert for a maid service for a brief moment.

Akira got his uniform, which was a black button up with checkered pants. Along with student info and ID. Even a little note saying welcome to Shujin.

Akira and Sojiro leave. In the meanwhile Kawakami has an encounter with a tall, buff gym teacher who was once a volleyball olympic medalist who is coach for the volleyball team.

"Hey Kamoshida, what are you doing here?"

"I saw the papers for the new transfer student we're going to have, a criminal?"

"Yeah I know..., but I don't think he's too bad."

"Either way, this seems like a welcome addition." Kamoshida say's with a forced smile.

"Then see you tomorrow Kamoshida."

"See you tomorrow Kawakami."

The situation irks Kamoshida, he makes a little call to one of his players, Yuuki Mishima.

How Thieves Steal Hearts: A King's Lust(Part 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ