Despite this, Kazuha had in fact been held back a year, the same.. event.. from the previous school warranted head turning bad grades. Kazuha tended to keep his biologically family a secret, there was dirt on their names.

"Kazuha? You doin' okay up there?" Beidou asked, the hands of the clock resting the wal ticking closer to when her son would have to leave.

"Sorry mom! I'm.. I'm just sorting my uniform out!" Kazuha said, frantic as he let his tie fall back to lay on his shirt, still completely untied.

He simply gave up at this point, fastening the last button as his shirt as he hurried out of his room and down the stairs, seeing him mom stood busy in the kitchen.

"Hey there kiddo!" Beidou waved, turning her head to look at her son instead of whatever else she was doing.

"Good morning mom.." Kazuha said, tired as he continued to fiddle with his tie, deciding it now more worth his time.

"You excited for your new school? Brand new people, new experiences?" - Beidou asked, a supporting smile shining on her face.

"Yeah.. kind of but I don't like the introductions" Kazuha replied, his voice still quiet as he rubbed the nape of his neck.

"C'mon kiddo it'll be fine! You're an amazing person! Everyone will like you!" Beidou walked over to Kazuha, her hand ruffling his hair.

'Yeah.. amazing person.. that did all that to some kid that dared to speak of my biological parents, in a way less an pleasant' Kazuha thought, his brow furrowing at simply the memory of it.

"Thanks.. I guess. Where's mother? I thought she promised she'd be back today." Kazuha's voice dropped, not noticing his mother's confident aura anywhere near.

"The.. the deal didn't go as planned.. she she'll be back when you return from school at best and... probably tomorrow or the day after at worst. She's okay though, nothing violent happened" Beidou answered, her happy tone faltering as her eyes grew sad.

"Fair enough.." Kazuha's voice reminded quiet, he missed his mother, he hadn't seen her in almost a month now.

"So... written anything recently? I know you enjoyed writing in your pass time, still do that much?" Beidou asked, switching to the subject of one much lighter.

"No.. not yet.. nothing has really piqued my interest recently" Kazuha gladly jumped on the new subject, finding it much more comfortable than the awkward silence once present between responses.

"Or maybe someone in it~" -Beidou teased, a silly smirk on her face.

Kazuha knew what she was implying, his love life had been interesting at best and.. complex at worst. Girls seemed to flock to him as if some sort of god. He never managed to feel anything back to them, despite how much they flirted or straight up told him at times, he never felt more than discomfort as he awkwardly turned them away.

"Mom.. you know that's not gonna happen" Kazuha mumbled, his pessimism warranted as through all of his 18 years, he had never felt anything liken to such feelings that people described to him. He felt love, as in he loved his parents but.. that wasn't what they all meant. Something deeper, more... intimate but.. what really was that?

"C'mon kid! Be more enthusiastic! You'll find someone or something to write about, a new school, especially such a high-class one, is bound to have at least something to interest you!" Beidou added, her optimism.. nice but it didn't seem to help much as she clapped her hand over his shoulder.

"Thanks mom... I know... I'll try but.. still" Kazuha saw his view more as pitiful realism than anything pessimistic. In his eyes, nothing would come of it, nothing ever will.

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