16 - The dragon and the dreamer

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He sounded very adult and responsible. Perhaps that's what fighting did to a man. Dánirah reached for his hand. "Then we must say goodbye."

"But He'sha and the Tannarí agreed to remain."

"I can't, Liha. My mother had a dream last night. We are about to leave for Eshekir."

Her heart hurt, and she wished for a way to change things. There wasn't one.

"Don't go. Stay with me. After the war, we can return to Penira." He ran a thumb over her knuckles. "Naiin would be happy to see you again."

"I'm sure she would, but I can't leave Shonai. Besides, we're Tannarí. You know we will never be welcome in Penira."

His face darkened. "Without your help and the Tannarí reinforcements, we would have lost this battle."

"That's your opinion, but for Pentim and his men, you saved the day."

Liha snorted while he accepted a cup of tea from Berim. "She is right, Liha. You proved your worth as a leader and warrior. The men are full of praise for the dragon of Kelen."

"What is a victory worth if it doesn't allow me to stay with the people I love?"

Berim handed another cup to Dánirah before he answered. "Life isn't fair, dragon. Pentim values the friendship you showed him in times of need, and so do I. You proved you mastered this game, and so did Dánirah. But now, a new chapter begins, and we must grow beyond our past. Dánirah's path leads her to Eshekir, and yours is bound to the king like mine is bound to yours."

Dánirah could read the frustration burning in Liha's eyes, but it lost its glow and turned to resignation. He shook his head. "We might never meet again."

Shonai stepped to the fireside, wrapped in her travelling cloak and holding out a bag for her. "Are you ready, Dáni?"

"Yes, Mother." She smiled at Liha, but a frown marred his face. "Don't worry, Liha. Our paths will cross in the future."

"How can you be so sure?"

Shonai chuckled. "Patience, young man. This war is over. And while dreams guide us apart, they always bring together what belongs together. There is no doubt the dragon of Kelèn and the future dreamer of the morning star have a bond across distance and time."

It was Dánirah's turn to frown. "I'm not a dreamer, Mother. I don't want to become one."

Shonai's smile faltered, and she touched her daughter's cheek. "It's not your choice, my child. I know you see the dreams as a burden, but they also bring joy and relief to people's life."

Dánirah wanted to disagree, but looking into Liha's bewildered face, she relaxed. Her mother was right. She had dreamed of him last night, colourful dreams featuring dragons, adventures, and merry laughter. They would meet again—many times. She chose one of her bangles, a heavy one with beautiful spiral ornaments, and slipped it from her wrist. It had been a gift from Senai, and according to the old lore, it carried benevolent magic. "Here, a token of our friendship."

Liha held the jewellery in his palm and studied the incisions. "It's beautiful, like you. Is this writing?"

Shonai ran a finger over the runes. "An ancient inscription about the power of eternal love. An interesting choice for a gift, my daughter."

Liha's eyes widened. "You shouldn't give it away. It's too precious."

She shook her head. "I want you to have it."

Liha locked his gaze with hers while he slipped the bangle over his wrist and unfastened his belt to retrieve his sheathed dagger. "This is the only thing left from my past. I forged it in my father's smithy, my apprentice work. It is not the best weapon—or the most beautiful. But it saved me more than once, and yesterday, the king. May it protect you on your way—forever and a day."

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