16 - The dragon and the dreamer

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In the early dawn, Dánirah wrapped her shawl around her shoulders against the chill and sneaked out of the camp to greet the morning from the forest's edge. Her night had been short, and the morning was as bleak as her mood, with low-hanging clouds obscuring the sky. At least the rain had stopped.

In the trees above her, a few birds chirped, oblivious to the destruction brought to their valley by the hostilities. Their cheerful sounds drowned out the distant moan of an injured man. Dánirah had spent the night in the tent where Dánan's volunteers had placed the wounded, taking turns to attend to them while heavy rain pelted the canvas.

The healer had worked her magic until her gift became useless in the darkness. Despite Dánan's efforts, some died during the night.

Light steps approached and chased away the grisly pictures Dánirah had witnessed. "Mother. Did you sleep well?" Shonai had worked alongside Dánan and probably slept less than herself.

The dreamer wrapped her arms around herself. "I am fine, Dáni. And the night brought me an interesting dream."

Dánirah wasn't surprised. "I hope it was one without war."

"No war this time, but many riddles. It sends me to Eshekir."

Eshekir—the barren highlands Dánirah liked to call home. The journey would be exhausting, but it would take her to her beloved mountains. "When will we leave?"

"Soon." Shonai's smile faltered. "Will you join me, Dáni?"

"How can you ask? Of course."

Her mother remained silent while they watched the thin morning mists curling over the battlefield. Half-obscured, the horse's cadavers formed dark bumps in the plain. So many of them. Dánirah shivered.

Her mother seemed to catch her mood. "It's not your fault, Dáni. You did great and prevented a worse outcome. Also, you are old enough to make your own decisions. I don't want you to join me if you'd rather be elsewhere—or with someone different."

Shonai had witnessed her blossoming relationship with Liha. But things were complicated. His actions had put the young warrior in the centre of attention. In the evening, Katim had searched for him and He'sha, insisting they attended the young king's impromptu council. Dánirah chuckled at the thought of Liha's pained expression. But Katim hadn't accepted a no.

"Liha is bound to the king by his duty, Mother. And I cannot go where he goes."

"Your heart longs for him, though." Shonai turned her face to the sky with closed eyes. "You will meet him again, Dáni. And no, I don't know when, but you will."

The hope she found in Shonai's statement brightened Dánirah's day as they returned to the camp.

Dánan tended to the wounded, her magic replenished by the new day. "Here you are. I hope you found some rest." The healer washed her hands in a wooden pail. "King Pentim will ride before noon, and He'sha agreed to cover the western flank with his warriors. This war mightn't be over yet."

"Oh, it is." Shonai handed her a rag, and when Dánan frowned, she shrugged. "My dreams."

"This is good to know, but I am sure the king prefers to check." The healer dried her hands and studied Shonai's travelling attire. "You are leaving? Then you better say goodbye to your friend, Dánirah."

Overwhelmed by the fast development, Dánirah went to search for Liha. She found him with Berim and Melish, warming his hands at a small cooking fire. The older men greeted her, but Liha jumped up.

"Dáni, I searched for you."

"I went to greet the morning. Is it true you ride with the king?"

"We must assure the northerners don't reassemble and the mercenaries won't attack our villages again."

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