13 - Follow the dragon

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Liha didn't sleep that night. When Dánirah had reported everything she remembered, Katim called the officer's council. Dismissed, Liha accompanied his Tanna friend back through the quiet camp. Even before they reached their destination, runners dashed from tent to tent, and warriors complained about their interrupted slumber.

Liha settled in his blanket beside the young woman next to the fire, but in the first light of dawn, the call to prepare to ride tore him from a dreamless sleep. He yawned and shook Dánirah's shoulder. "Time to get up. We break camp."

In the pre-departure hustle, they rolled their blankets. The warriors of Melish's group folded the tent, loaded the packhorses, and stowed their gear. Melish returned from the briefing and caught Liha's gaze. "How did you do this, young one?"


The seasoned warrior grinned. "The word is we're riding to the king's relief."

Heat rose to Liha's cheeks. "I talked to Pentim. He called Katim, who remembered Dánirah and believed her."

"You keep surprising me, dragon." Berim tightened his horse's saddle girth. "Can you ride, Dánirah?"

The young woman wrapped her shawl around her shoulders against the morning chill. "I never tried."

"She can ride with me." Liha lashed his bag and blanket to the mare's saddle.

"You are both lightweights, but the horse will tire with the two of you." Melish threw the saddle over his stallion's broad back. "It would be better if you take the fallow pack horse. She's a docile girl and won't mind the extra load."

Dánirah squared her shoulders and nodded, her lips pressed tight. Was she afraid? Liha searched for words of encouragement, but a call interrupted him.

"Liha? Where are you? We need your friend to give us directions." The prince reined in his magnificent grey beside the abandoned fireplace. Katim and six guards joined him, one leading a skittish black stallion by the reins. "Does she own a horse?"

Liha exchanged a glance with Dánirah. "No, she hasn't ridden before."

"Oh. Then this might not be the best steed." Pentim's face fell while he pointed a thumb at the stallion.

"Liha, you take him." Berim led Liha's trusty mare to Dánirah, took her hand, and placed her palm against the horse's head. "That's the girl. Let her get used to your scent and give her time to adjust. Her name is Lai. Liha can confirm she's friendly with her riders."

The mare sniffed Dánirah's hair, and a smile tugged at the young woman's lips. "Blossom. I like her name. Is this fine for you, Liha?"

"Of course, she is a gentle steed." His attempt at an encouraging smile faltered when he reached for his new mount's reins. The black whinnied and tried to break free. This might become a wild ride.

Unfazed, Pentim clapped his hands. "That's settled then. Let's go."

Despite struggling to master the black, Liha glanced at Dánirah and couldn't help but admire her calm composure. She gathered her wide skirt and let Berim help her swing a leg across the saddle, following his instructions with her lips pressed together in concentration. At Berim's command, she shook the reins, and, with a gentle snort, the mare followed her lead.

"Perfect." Berim hopped onto his own horse. "Now, relax. Otherwise, you'll be stiff as a board tonight."

Dánirah laughed and urged the horse on. Liha hurried to mount the stallion. He would have to master riding this beast if he didn't want to become a laughingstock. With Dánirah in the group, failing wasn't an option.

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