Rise of the Serpentine

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A monastery on a tall mountain above the clouds was seen. A beautiful and peaceful sight.

Inside, a wise old man sat in the middle of a small room. Though his peace was disturbed by sounds of fighting. So he got up to check the training area.

Much to his disappointment, no one was there. So he walked across the court to a different room. A room where said voices seemed to be getting louder.

There he saw four ninja in black, blue, white, and red. The four sat in front of a TV playing a video game.

The old man quickly made his way faster than any elderly person should, to the TV. He went unnoticed by the four, as they were very engaged in their game. The old man unplugged it.

The four ninja started to complain.

"Why would you do that? Why?" Jay demanded.

"Just because Lord Garmadon escaped through a vortex doesn't mean he won't return on day for the Golden Weapon of Spinjitzu." Wu lectured the four.

"But Sensei Wu, ever since he's been gone, Ninjago has been nothing but peace." Zane tried to reason with Wu.

"Yeah, peace is boring." Jay argued. "There's no one to save. There's nothing to do."

"We can train tomorrow." Cole said laying down on the ground.

"Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today." Wu said frustrated with the four ninja.

"Well, I was gonna eat this pizza tomorrow, so if that's the case.." Cole was about to eat the slice of pizza, until Wu slapped it out of his hand.

"No pizza for you!" Wu yelled. "In order to reach your full potential, you must train."

"Uh, remember when we did a little thing called the Tornado of Creation?" Kai said butting in. "I thought that was pretty insane."

Wu sighed. "Oh you four have merely scratched the surface to your full potential." He said disappointed that they think they are finished. "There are still so many secrets you have yet to unlock. You haven't even begun to tap into what powers your golden weapons hold."

The four ninja were hardly paying any attention to Wu's words.

Cole stood up holding his scythe. "You wanna talk secret powers? Check this out." He used the scythe to plug the TV back in.

They started playing again, until they heard a noise outside. The four got up to check what was happening.

They saw a portal open up. It had blue, green, yellow, and red hues in it. A person fell out of it. He had a reddish-brown hair, a pale complexion, and striking gray eyes. The man had bandages wrapped around his left leg, arms, and around his stomach and chest. His pants were torn and his small sleeves coat was worn thin.

They all stood down, seeing as he was in no possible shape to fight.

Nya, Kai's sister, came running to them.

"Guys, Lord Garmadon, has returned!" She said out of breath with urgent news. "He was spotted approaching Jamanakai Village."

The four ninja quickly forgot about the fallen man. They started running around, frantically trying to find their weapons. They ended up tripping each other, and over each other.

Nya spotted the nuchucks of lightning. She picked them up and handed them to Jay. He stuttered out a thanks, but she told him to hurry.

The four ninja were out and running down a separate stair case leading to the dragons. Zane almost getting crushed by one of the doors, but caught it and moved out from underneath.

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