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Wu and Abner were sitting in a room meditating. All was peaceful and quiet. Until they heard Jay yelling about something being his turn.

Then more yelling and ruckus could be heard from outside the room. Wu got up to see what was happening.

Abner sat there annoyed with the yelling. His father would never let him hear the end of it, if he yelled during his meditation.

Wu got up and grabbed a flute to put away. Then walked into the gaming room to surprisingly find it empty.

Abner looked at him confused. "Why did you go there when they are training outside?" Abner asked.

"I'm used to finding them in here." Wu said and turned towards the courtyard.

He then turned to the doors that led to the courtyard. All four ninja were seen training.

Jay was trying out the power of the nunchucks. Cole used his scythe as a normal weapon on a moving target. Kai practiced his Spinjitzu around the training area. And Zane was meditating on the ground.

Zane suddenly got up and jumped in front of Jay then went to Cole. He took the scythe and cut off a couple of punching bags off of the spinning machine. Then he did Spinjitzu around the training area, creating a layer of ice on the ground making Kai slip.

Abner was inpressed with Zane's skills. The other three ninja however, were not impressed.

"This roof isn't big enough for the four of us." Kai said.

"Correction. This roof isn't big enough for him." Cole interjected, and gestured to Zane.

"It's like he's in his own world." Jay said. Just then, Zane finished doing Spinjitzu. "I bet he can't even hear us." He said loudly, looking behind him.

Zane continued to do his own thing. Abner and Wu walked over to the three ninja, who were standing still.

"Sensei, Zane's weird." Kai said to Wu.

"What is weird?" Wu asked. "Someone who is different, or someone who is different than you?"

"More of, who isn't weird?" Abner said. "Cause if people were the same, then this world would be boring."

"No, sensei, Abner, he's 'weird' weird." Cole said.

Then they told about some of the weird things Zane did. Or at least what htye thought was weird.

Like when Zane walked into the bathroom to comb his hair. While Cole was using the toilet.

Or when Jay and Nya were watching a sad scene in a romance movie. Zane laughed at it, while both Nya and Jay were crying.

Or how Kai was going to the fridge for a midnight snack. Instead he found Zane inside the fridge eating a sandwich. Then proceeded to hand Kai a wedge of cheese like it was nothing new.

They all looked at Zane, who was bowing to a dummy. Though he accidentally triggered it causing him to get hit on the head.

"We like the guy, he's really smart." Kai said. "He's just uh, a little off sometimes."

"Zane is a brother, and brothers are often different." Wu lectured the ninja. "I should know."

"Well, for most of them." Abner said thinking back. "Anyways should you three continue training, or was that all for today?"

The three nodded and went back to doing their own things. Though it was interrupted when a gong sounded off.

The ninja ran to the door. A mailman was standing on the other side looking tired.

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