Noah, Jenna, and I finally finished a couple minutes later, and we met everyone in the meeting house thing.

"What magic is happening today?" Mason asked curiously.

"I'm bringing Henrik back to life, Death is on his way with the final ingredients, then I'll be able to get started. You are all spectators that can stay here and watch." I told them, befire turning to Henrik, who for now only I can see. "Are you ready Henrik?" I asked him.

"Beyond ready gorgeous" he said, excitedly. He's damn near bouncing around like a puppy, he is just adorable.

"Is he here?" Caroline asked with a big smile on her face, that just got bigger when I nodded. "Can you tell him I'm excited to meet him? And that I have some questions before he can get to you. No one gets to my sister without going through me first." She added some patent CareBear sass to that one, making me and Henrik laugh.

"Can you tell her I look forward to winning her over so I can be with my love." He asked with his Mikaelson smirk, causing me to blush and my blush caused Caroline, Bonnie, and Jenna to squeal.

"What did he say? It better be appropriate or I'll kick his ass." Mason ranted, getting pumped up and pissed off at the thought of someone, anyone, being inappropriate towards me.

"Hey, Mase, what he said was sweet. He said he looks forward to winning her over so he can be with his love." I informed them which again made the girls squeal in excitement and the boys to look angry. They are all over protective.

Finally Death gets back with the ingredients. We get it all set up. I stand in the middle and hold Henrik's hands and I start chanting. "sume hunc puerum qui mortuus est minor qnd eum ad vitam revoca, sume hunc puerum qui mortuus est minor qnd eum ad vitam revoca, sume hunc puerum qui mortuus est minor qnd eum ad vitam revoca"

When I finish, I can actually feel him. I can feel the sparks running through my hands and my arms from his touch. He is finally here with me.

(Imagine our blonde instead of this blonde🥰)

"Oh my gosh.. I'm finally here," he puts his hand on my cheek, "I can feel you. Can you feel the sparks?" He looks into my eyes and we both gasp, getting lost in the feeling, we start to lean closer. The whole world around us disappeared, it was just us in that moment. When we are maybe an inch away, he asks, "can I kiss you sweetheart?"

"Yes" then he puts the hand that is not on my cheek, onto my hip and our lips touch. It feels like fireworks are going off, like we are two opposite magnets pulling each other back. Suddenly 3 people clear their throats, jolting us back to reality.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, but step away from my sister or I'll send you back to the Other Side myself." Jeremy told him with the other guys glaring at Henrik behind him.

"Sorry guys, hi my name is Henrik but I'm going to modernize it by going by Henry." He told them, giving them a shy wave.

"What are your intentions with my best friend?" Jenna asked him with a glare.

"To be anything and everything she needs, to help her succeed in anything she wants to do and to be there for her every step of the way. To love and cherish her, and to feed her strawberries when she wants. I will do anything she wants me to do, and I will never, ever hurt her. I would rather die." He told them while looking at me with love in his eyes, while I look at him with the same look. His words cause the girls to squeal again. I pull him in for a hug and I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his around my waist, pulling me in tight. Both of us are loving the sparks running through our bodies due to our touch.

Translation from Google translate:

sume hunc puerum qui mortuus est minor qnd eum ad vitam- take this boy who died too young and bring him back to life revoca

Dream realm:

Me and Henrik appear back in the dream realm, on the beach. Luckily we appear facing away from the cabin, so he is able to go hide away from his brothers who still have yet to know about him. Though this is their first time being able to see him since I just brought him back to life today, before I was the only one who could see him. Walking into the cabin, I see everyone except for Finn glaring at the spot Henrik stood, Finn ran and pulled me into a hug and sniffing at my neck.

"My love, who was that man that appeared with you?" Finn asked with his face still in my neck.

"That would be..." I had to think about how to go about this. Henrik wanted to be a secret until they were all in town and undaggered, "a surprise. Yeah, he's a surprise." I finished causing them all to look at me, Elijah looked at me (pictured below❤️)

"Are we keeping secrets now, Ástin?" Elijah joked.

"No, he's not a secret, he just wants to be a surprise. When everyone, not just my soulmates your sister is included in that, is awake, and in Mystic Falls, he will reveal himself." I explained.

"How is he just now showing up here?" Nik asked, still looking out the window.

"He was her whenever I was, he was just dead so only I could see him. I brought him back to life today actually." I stated while looking at the ground. When I looked up, they all looked at me amazed.

"You brought someone back to life?" Kol asked, "that's amazing!" He added.

"When can we come see you love?" Nik asked.

"After I finish figuring out a way around your curse. I don't want to flaunt the doppelganger in your face while she is what's standing between you and having your wolf back. That seems too cruel to me.." I told him while playing with his hand. He smirked and put both hands on my cheeks.

"You are the sweetest little mate. I am so lucky to have gotten paired with you, I just wish I could kiss you. I want nothing more than to feel your lips on mine love." He told me as he folded his fingers to run the backs of them against my cheek, causing me to close my eyes and just feel the sparks.

"I want a kiss too." Kol pouted

"One would think you were the puppy" I joked

"Oh dog jokes, lovely." Nik stated, dropping his hands in a pout.

"At least she didn't put you in the dog house." Kol told him before speeding around the house with Nik on his tail before I interrupted.

"What are you going to do to me about the dog jokes Nikky?" I asked him innocently.

"What ever do you mean love?" He asked

"Am I going to get punished?" I asked with a smirk, watching Finn and Elijah's eyes darken a little bit, while Nik and Kol's jaws dropped and Niks cheeks get red at what I implied. He tried to stutter out a reply.

"We-I-I.. u-um.." he puts his hand on his forehead and blows out air before trying to answer again, only to stop when I start walking forward and put my hand on his chest, then I feel myself waking up.

"Until next time boys" I said with a smirk.


When I got out of the hospital, Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, and I all had a shopping spree. I told them to get whatever they want as long as there was room for it. I ended up calling the guys and Jenna as well and told everyone to get stuff for their rooms at my house, decorate however they want., So they all did and we got everything they wanted for their rooms which I let them pick out whatever rooms they wanted after I got mine. (Pictures in the next chapter) we all worked together to get the rooms set up then we all went out and stocked up on clothes we all needed in case when they came over they couldn't grab clothes or for whatever reason they want or need more clothes. We then went back and got it all set up. Now my home is finally ready, after my soulmates come here, it will be perfect. Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline are all staying here to help me break in my new home.

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