Chapter 18

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Rosespark POV

I whistled and Grimlock jumped on the drones eating them. Predaking fired his blast at the rest of them. Crosshairs fired at the remaining. I then winced. "Oh. . . this is not a nice pain."

Grimlock ran over to me. What's wrong, little one? He asked. "My stomach is doing flips." I muttered. I felt Grimlock scan me. Rose. . . Your sparked. He told me. 

"Grimlock. Bee. Rosespark!" Cade yelled. I followed. I fist-bumped Crosshairs. He smirked. 

We got to England. I was walking beside Grimlock. Suddenly a shot hit behind us. I flinched. What the frag was that? Megatron asked over our bond. It was nothing, Megatron. I'm fine. Stop worrying about me. I scolded him.

I always worry about you. I sent Barricade to you. He told me. I heard a police car sirens and widened my eyes. Bee pulled out his cannons. "NO! IT'S BARRICADE!" I yelled. Once he transformed I hugged him. He smiled and hugged me back. 

"I thought you were dead!" I cried. "It's okay, Sweetspark. I'm here." He whispered. 

We heard another engine and I saw a car speeding over. I looked. The car then transformed and a woman came out with some sort of playing equipment. "No, no, no. Little lady. Why do you have to be like that? Pourquoi?" She hit him with the thing. It broke. He groaned. 

"So, is this a kidnapping situation or her first transformer experience?" She asked the man. "Well, it's both really." He said. 

"Don't hit me again!" The 'Bot said. "But she does have a rather nice fight-or-flight response." He said. I watched amused as she rolled down the hill. 

I then turned to Barricade. "I need to tell you something!" I said. Bee looked at us curiously. "I'm sparked. . . and I know who's it is." Barricade looked at me. "It's Megatron's!"

I saw the police. "PREDAKING!" He roared. 

I then transformed and Cade and Viven got inside me. "Get us out of here, Rose!"

I then drove off as Hotrod shot his gun. Grimlock followed us along with Predaking. I drove through all the cars and the police started to chase me. I then stopped. "Meet us around back, Rose." I then drove off again. 

We were on the road again. ::Rosespark, I'm gonna divert the cops!:: Hotrod told me. 

I continued to drive when I got a signal. "Y'all better hold on!" I said. "Why?"

"Barricade's twin is on MY AFT!" I snarled. His twin's name was Sparklier. I then turned to avoid him and turned. He had to turn to avoid a car. "ROSE?" 

We then started to go down a street and it was a one-way. "WAIT! IT'S A ONE WAY STREET!"

"I'm not driving. She's driving." Cade snapped. I continued to drive and it was just me and Sparklier. "Rose, turn right, haul ass!"

I then half transformed. I pointed my cannon at Sparklier. I fired at him three times and he transformed and fell. I then transformed back. "WHAT THE HELL? YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND!" Cade yelled at me. 

"I know. I date Megatron. Thanks for reminding me." I said. Viven and Cade ran out. 

I was on the ship with Bee. We were holding onto the side. Hang on Princess! I heard the submarine tell me. I held on as it turned back around and went down and rammed into the sub. I smirked. 

We got to the place and I was walking. "I'm not going in that water." Cogman snapped. "My gears would be sucked into my main shaft-" I slapped him and he fell in. "Come on."

Me and Bee had to go around to find another way. 

I got to the place to see a knight attacking Cade. I then ran over to him. "Cade!"

I held out my hand and he got on it. I then put him down. 

The thing we were on started to move. "Corner her!" I turned. "Hey. Drop the weapon do it." I then got in front of Viven. Lennox looked at me. "You want to kill her, kill me!" I snapped. 

One of them pointed their guns at my spark. Suddenly there was a loud ass roar. 

"Protect the princess!" I heard something growl. I turned and saw some Guardian Knights attacking the humans because of me. I heard some familiar blaster fire and saw Sire. 

"Dad?" I asked confused. He put his sword away. "Dad. . . What are you doing?" I asked. Something felt off. "Give it to me!" He demanded. "Dad. It's me, Rosespark. We fight together-"



"This isn't you, Dad." I said. "Give me the staff, human."

"Rosespark?" Viven asked terrified. "I will kill you."

Cade sighed. "Give it to him." Cade said. "Now."

Dad snatched it and hid it inside his chestplates. They fired at him and I got in front. "STOP! STOP!" I yelled. Dad then shoved me out of the way. "Who dares to challenge me?"

I then growled. "Bee. . . Get him!" I growled. Bee ran towards him. I held my servo out for Cade. 

I turned to Lennox. "You coming?" He nodded. He also got on my servo. 

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