Chapter 17

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Rosespark POV

I drove past Cade and Bee and Ironhide were behind me. I drove into the scrapyard. 

I then transformed while driving. "BOO-YAH! BIG TIME!" I cheered. I then groaned. "I should not have eaten all of that Tijuana street machinery." Bombs then went off. "Damn, forgot about the cluster bombs."

"YO!" Newbie yelled. "What's your problem, dude?" I snapped. 

"NEXT TIME, EASE ON THE BREAKS!" He yelled. "That's the way me and Ironhide roll! WE LIKE TO MAKE A STATEMENT WHEN WE ARRIVE!" I yelled back. Ironhide shook his helm in amusement. "Well, you're getting dust all over the campus!"

"THIS AIN'T NO CAMPUS! IT'S A JUNKYARD!" Ironhide snarled. I shook my head. 

"DAMN IT, GRIMLOCK! WE'RE GUESTS HERE!" I yelled. I walked over. 

"COME ON, MAN. MILLION-YEAR-OLD LEGENDARY WARRIOR AND YOU ACT LIKE A BUNCH OF JUNK-YARD DOGS! YOU'RE PISSING ME OFF!" I yelled angrily. Grimlock turned away from me with Chief Sherman's car in his mouth. "GET BACK HERE, GRIMLOCK!" I yelled. "Turn around. What do you got in your mouth?"

He growled at me. "You know what? I am wasting my time protecting you. DROP THE CRUISER RIGHT NOW! I KNOW YOU GOT CHIEF SHERMAN'S CRUISER! DROP IT!" I yelled. Grimlock ate it and burped out some fire. "SERVES YOU RIGHT. SPIT IT OUT! SPIT IT!" I yelled. 

Grimlock roared. He then threw the car back up. He spit out some parts. "Don't eat cars. Don't eat cars." Grimlock whined and rested his snout on the ground. 

"YOU'RE GROUNDED FOR A WHOLE WEEK!" I yelled. He whined at me. I rolled my eyes. 

I then saw Daytrader. "Fuck this. I'm out!" I stated annoyed. 

"What do you really want Megatron?" Lennox asked. "What anyone wants, Human. My sparkmate and to go home!" Megatron said missing her. 

He then narrowed his optics. 

I woke up and I felt Grimlock moving. I sighed. He curled back up around me. I giggled. "Aww. . ." I got up. "WHO'S MY WITTLE BABY?" I squealed and Grimlock purred. 

::Rosespark. That thingy. . . that code. It's a red thingy! Somebody's coming!:: Chief said on the radio. "DECEPTICONS! THEY COMING!" I yelled. 


The others drove off. Me and Hound stayed hidden. I saw Megatron. I tensed. I then jumped out and Megatron saw me. "COME AND GET SOME YOU LITTLE BITCHES!" I yelled at the 'Cons. I then jumped at Megatron and kicked him down to the ground. I moved as Hound fire at him. Megatron shot at Hound and the place behind him exploded. 

I was with Grimlock. 

Me and him then came from out of the ground. The other Dinobot came out ad attacked the cars. I used my sword and sliced the others in half. "GRIMLOCK! COME ON!" I yelled. He ran towards me. I smirked at the TRF. 

I jumped on his back. He continued to run towards the town. 

We got there and once we got to the place, I saw Megatron firing at Cade and Izzy. "HEY!" He turned and I tackled Megatron. He then slammed me to the wall. 

We were both hidden. "Primus, I hate it when you act sexy and you don't even try." Megatron growled at me. I smirked. He then kissed me on the lips. I heard Ironhide yelling. 

I kicked Megatron off and he smirked at me. He then flew off. I sighed. We both hated hurting each other but did it for the sake of our relationship. 

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