Chapter 10

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Rosalie Prime POV

I was getting dressed and heard a familiar roar. I then saw Megatron still asleep. I smiled. I then ran outside and Predaking landed. He chittered excitedly. 

Predaking bent down so I could get on his back. 

Predaking landed and I saw Ironhide. "HIDEY!" I squealed. He saw me. Predaking slid to a stop next to him. I smiled. "Hi."

He shook his head amused. 

I was standing on Grimlock's shoulder. Predaking was transformed into his mech form. Dad pushed the matrix inside Sentinel's chest. He jolted up and then he attacked Dad. Predaking formed and he roared. "HOLD YOUR FIRE!"

"PREDAKING! NO!" Dad yelled. Predaking stopped. "It is I, Optimus Prime!" Dad told him. Sentinel then calmed down. 

Predaking growled. 

"The war. . . The War!" Sentinel spoke. "The war was lost. Cybertron is now but a barren wasteland. We have taken refuge here, on planet Earth. Its human race is our ally." Dad said. "My ship. We came under fire. The pillars. Where are the pillars?" Sentinel asked. "You saved five of them, including the control pillar."

"Only five? We once had hundreds!" Sentinel stated. "Excuse me, gentlemen. May I ask, what is this technology you're looking for?" Mearing asked. "It is the ability to reshape the universe. Together the pillars form a space bridge. I designed, and I alone, can control it. It defies your laws of physics to transport matter through time and space." Sentinel explained. 

"You're talkig about a telaportation device, aren't you?" I asked curiously. "Shut up, little girl." Mearing stated. I flinched. "Don't tell her to shut up." Sentinel growled. 

He then held his hand out for me. I climbed on it. "Yes, for resources, for refugees." Dad answered. "Refugees or troops of soldiers, weapons, maybe bombs! A means of an instant strike! That's its military function, isn't it?" Mearing asked. "It is our technology and it must be returned." Sentinel demanded. 

"Yes. If humans say so. You can't jut bring weapons of mass destruction into our atmosphere! You kind of have to clear customs first! A little formality called paperwork kind of separates us from the animals." Mearing snapped. 

"I will overlook your condesending tone if you heed the gravity of mine. The Decepticons must never know the space bridge is here. For in their hands, it would mean the end of your world." Sentinel said. 

"Optimus, please take your daughter home!" Mearing said. I scoffed. "No." Sentinel said. Mearing turned. "Excuse me?"

"No. Rosalie will not be going home. She is staying right here." 

"No, she's not. End of discussion!"

I nodded. "It's fine." I said.

Sentinel looked at me with a sad look. 

I went home and as soon as I got inside I got in my room and started crying. 

I then did something I never thought I would. I grabbed a knife and slit my wrists. 

Optimus felt like something was wrong with Rosalie. He then turned back around. 

He saw her almost dead. "ROSALIE!"

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