orochimaru and Sasuke confront

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"I don't want you getting married or having his children" he coldly stated y/n didn't like this one.  He raises his hand slowly as if something was going to happen but stops at her baby bump.  "This is wrong..." "Excuse me Sasuke but who the hell do you think you are-" "quiet while I'm talking...now back to what I was saying you shouldn't have had sex with someone like him..." "I'm not going to be quiet while you talk-" "I said I was talking now let me finish".  She scowls at him in anger, 'this mother fucker i swear if he cuts me off one more time...' Sasuke could see the look on her face clear as day as he scoffed. 

"If I were you I would give the babies to me or someone else that knows what to do-" "now don't you dare come in here and tell me what I can or can't do Sasuke your not my boss and your not my husband I just bout had enough of this nonsense".  She slapped his hand away from her baby bump as he stood there in shock but didn't show it.  The twins inside her round belly started moving again knowing that their mother was not having this stressful situation.  "Hear me out..." "What are you doing here my dear Sasuke Uchiha...and why are you talking to my fiance like you own her?" Orochimaru suddenly appeared behind him with anger filling his eyes. 

"Y/n....which side are you going to choose...your friend or this snake...?" "Sasuke i-...I am going to stay with orochimaru because he saved me and the twins life from Kabuto".  He shakes his head and turns to orochimaru glaring at him with hate.  "You impregnated my friend here..she doesn't need to have these kids and she will not marry someone like y-" y/n taps his shoulder he slowly turns around until a fast stinging sensation comes.  On a day like this Sasuke just had to come in and say stuff like that. Sasuke covers his cheek "you just slapped me..." Orochimaru stepped in front of his fiance now.

"My dear Sasuke whether you like it or not she's getting married and having these kids" his arms were now crossed over his chest.  Y/n stood behind him gently grabbing his shirt hiding her face from Sasuke.  "Im not allowing this to happen orochimaru she will not be allowed to have these kids because it is dangerous...not just for her but it will take a toll on her body" he sternly spoke.  "Y/n dear why don't you go to the other room and rest I'll be there shortly after I deal with our visitor" she nods and leaves behind him having Sasuke watch her movement closely. 

"Leave my fiance and the twins alone... Sasuke she's mine now so why don't you go hook up with little Sakura" "tch...you are so dead.." "been there done all of that stuff Sasuke it's clearly your being highly inadequate around my fiance which all do I cant let you near her or the twins...she needs to be relaxed for tomorrow's event" they stood very close to each other's face Sasuke takes his sword off the counter.  "Well it's best if she does not have these kids in general" "I am going to ask you to get out of here now Sasuke...." "Heath my warning when they're born I will visit again sooner or later" he looks at the direction of the girl who's in the other room. 

Afterwards he leaves through the window glaring at him before disappearing. 






Orochimaru sighs and decided to go clean up the mess he made when making an unexpected visit.  Holding up his dead snakes that were cut in half he spots the dirty laundry still.  Grabbing the stained sheets he places them in the washer and starts it.  Afterwards he enters the bedroom where they shared it together.  Y/n was looking at the floor with sadness filling her face.  "Why are you crying... you'll be fine and these tears don't suit you he's not going to order you around" he lays behind her. 

Sasuke returns to Sakura and talks to her like he promised before he left or so she thought.  For the remaining part of the day the couple that are expecting twins were now relaxing.  Orochimaru gently pulls the blankets up to her chest stopping briefly and looks at her breasts moving slowly. 

"Get some rest I'll go ahead and cook you dinner" he whispers to her softly.  She nods and yawned soon closing her eyes from the other building upon the rooftop stood Sasuke.  His sword drawn out as he appeared when orochimaru left the room, silently sliding inside he goes to the door locking it.  Walking back to the sleeping girl he stood there silently watching.  Soon he sees movement from her stomach 'just how did this even happen...' moving the covers off alongside the shirt he rolls his eyes.  The twins kept moving as he gently poked the surface. 

"Y/n I just wanted to let you know dinner is about done" she starts shifting in her sleep.  Sasuke backs away into the darkest part of the corner watching her go to the door.  "Why is this door locked...maybe I might've locked it by accident when I fell asleep.." she mumbles lowly while unlocking the door and opened it.  "Alright I'll be in there shortly.." "don't I'll bring it to you because after tomorrow I'm gonna ask you to be on bed rest and when I come home I'll do the chores and make the food until they're born which will be within a month or two" he watches her shadow enter the room from the hall. 

'even if they're going through it I can't allow her to marry him specifically and have those kids...'

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