Part 20 🧠💓

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(Me the narrator, i ain't putting no damn picture of myself here)

A week later...

After their hot steamy session is Cassius's car Ayesha has been a little distant towards him. They have only been talking about strictly JUST music and Ayesha has been avoiding being left with Cassius alone or talking about anything other than music. They haven't even talked about what happened which Cassius is trying to respect but can't help but wonder about. Like did he do something wrong, was it bad? He had no idea

Ayesha's work ethic has really been making their recording easy, faster and now only Geezy is left with mastering the song and then their good to go. Tonight was officially their last day recording so they decide to throw a mini celebration at Cassius's.

The crew had just ordered Chinese and now they are chilling after their meal with a few drinks of course in Cassius's living room. Ayesha is sitting on the floor near the table (obviously the furthest from Cassius), Geezy sitting on the couch and with  Cassius opposite her on the other couch.

"Bruh you crazy! No way you just stay here with no fucking tv? What do you even watch!?" shouts Geezy after finishing his beer.

"I asked the same thing the first time i came here," mumbles Ayesha who has been awfully quiet the evening and just occasionally smiling and laughing at some of the conversations.

She had been trying to avoid the constant eye contact she has been receiving from Cassius which by now is nothing new but still hasn't become used to, especially during recording. His eyes would pierce through her skin and remove her clothes whilst roaming her body every time.

"Yeah but when you came here we didn't spend time in here, mostly in my room," he says staring at Ayesha who widens her eyes at what Cassius says. She tries not to make eye contact.

"I always forget that y'all fucked," says Geezy clearly a little drunk.

Both Cassius and Ayesha look at each other and then at Geezy who is hysterically laughing at what he said.

"Aight, you're drunk...let me call you an Uber," Ayesha says typing in her phone.

Ayesha then steps out the room to make the call whilst Cassius cleans up. Geezy is now semi passed out on the couch.

"Shit," whispers Ayesha coming back into the living room with her phone in her hand.

"What's up?," asks Cassius after throwing away the chinese takeaway boxes.

"Nothing...I just don't have a way to get home, the Uber that Geezy is going home with refused to take me home because it's off route, Chrissy is busy at fashion school and she'd be done at like 1 am and i can't find Ubers to take me home," she says face palming herself and sitting on the barstool in Cassius kitchen.

"I can take you home," offers Cassius

"No you cannot, you had drinks and i don't want to get you in trouble," replies Ayesha. Cassius was just a little tipsy and not as wasted as Geezy.

"Is it okay if i wait for Chrissy here i know it's still 8 pm but- ,"

"It's fine mama don't worry," interrupts Cassius who is obviously happy that Ayesha gets to hang a little longer.

Geezy's uber then shortly arrives. Cassius helps him up as he mumbles a bunch of stuff and Ayesha carrie's his backpack for him. Cassius pays the uber driver and tells him Geezy's address.

After Geezy's gone they head back inside. Cassius goes to the kitchen to drink some water to try and sober himself up a little whilst Ayesha sits on the couch playing Candy Crush on her phone.

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