Part 14 ??

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These past few days really have been SHIT. Starting with the whole Ayesha thing, well
it is the only thing that's been bugging me. I honestly hate my self for being such a dick to her.

I fumbled that HEAVY for some Greyhound deal cause i thought she wasn't much of a loss but i'm going insane right now. Like ian know i was that attached to her.

I mean if i was her i'd react the same way she did to be fair especially after i told her that we weren't actually dating. The fuck was i even drinking that night!? Looking back i'm starting to see how much of an idiot i had been. I really felt shitty seeing her almost cry in front of me.

It really pained me being the cause of those tears so when i got home i called and called her worried that something had happened to her but my calls weren't being answered. When she finally picked up and i heard that disrespectful ass nigga speak on my girls phone and i was beyond upset. Like who the fuck was this clown she was with. Ayesha is MY girl.

I got so angry at the shit he said, talking about putting his filthy self in my Ayesha. It made me realize what a HUGE mistake i had made. I couldn't believe and i didn't want to believe that she had moved on so quick. Or maybe she had had a side mans besides me.

Nevertheless when the call got ended by that clown I wanted to cuss her out on text but my messages weren't going through. I tried calling back but my calls weren't even going through too. She had blocked a nigga. Maybe she was actually fucking someone else.

I got so angry and decided to revenge a little and post a picture i took with Ivy at the club to purposely push her buttons. After I noticed everyone had said something about the pic except for her I got tired of playing these games and when i went to send her a dm telling her to unblock me so that we can talk about this bullshit I noticed she has blocked me on all sites.

If i only knew her email address i would blow her up on that but i didn't and i couldn't go to her crib because of Chrissy. Home girl really looked like she was about to jump me and strangle me at the club.

Her blocking me really worsened my anger cause she trying to be petty and not talk so i left her like that since she wanna be childish and she's got a new man now so whatever. Fuck her and that goofy nigga.

I'm really trying to not think about this girl since it's clear she's fucking someone else already and she blocked me but it's really hard not to. Ayesha's pushing me honestly and i ain't never cared this much about any girl, especially after that call. I know I fucked up but damn.

The thought of her with someone else just makes me sick but it can't be worse than the thought of probably never seeing or talking to her again. I've been insanely missing her but my bruised ego just won't allow me to go to her house and tell her face to face. I even thought about going to her school but i decided not to because i didn't want to cause a scene which might make her get in trouble or something. I don't even know how Geezy feels about the whole thing but we haven't spoken about it. I've never had a girl make me feel like this before and I don't know how to handle these typa situations.

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