Part 18 🧞‍♀️💜

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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


"Ayesha wake up breakfasts ready!,"

I hear Chrissy call out from the kitchen.

Uurrggghhhh fuck my life mann

It's already morning, feels like i've only been asleep for 30 minutes . I open my eyes to find my phone screen on and still on the call with Cassius. We have been on the call for like 5 hours straight now and it's still ongoing. Yes I'm going to work with only 5 hours of sleep, at this point i'm used to it.

I contemplate on hanging up but at the same time i don't want to be the one who hung up the call you know, he won't know we slept on the call together. I decide to leave it still on the call and then go take my shower.

After i'm done with my shower i head straight to my phone to see that Cassius had hung up.


I'm a little disappointed because i thought maybe we would talk or something but it's okay it was just a stupid call anyway. I open my curtains to bring in light in my room making my all white room pop. I wear my uniform for work and since i don't have any classes today I won't bother going in. 

I'm going straight to work with no disturbance from my school schedule and starting my shift early til the end of the day to maximize my hours and pay so it's a win win. I need more money to be able to buy groceries. Blew my budget ordering food almost everyday because of Chrissy's shit cooking.

I told my parents that i can work for my own rent now and they can stop sending money for that. They have been going overboard with sending money and stuff like clothes but i keep telling them to stop and i need to learn to be independent.

After I finish getting ready and grabbing everything i need i head to the kitchen where Chrissy has made toast and eggs for our breakfast. The only meal she knows how to make without burning.

"Smells great in here babe," I say grabbing my plate from the counter and sitting on the table.

"I know I know... You know fashion and cooking is my forte," she says giggling and also coming to sit on the table with me.


"Soo...when we're you gonna tell me about the fact that Geezy offered you a proposal to be on a song with him?," she asks whilst looking in her plate which shocks me because i hadn't said anything about it to her yet. I was going to tell her last night but the Nate thing got in my head making me a little distracted. I just simply forgot.

this bitch really be Ms Knowalot

"Geezy told me that he wants you on his song and told me to convince you to say yes and i told him he's crazy because there's no way i can tell you to say yes since you've already said yes...right," she now asks piercing her light brown eyes at me.

BEEN A WHOLE COLLEGE VIBEUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum