Part 9 🎧🕸️

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2 and a half weeks later...

Things between and Cassius have been going great for the past 2 weeks. We've been getting to know each other, spending time together. I've slept over his place a couple nights after he would have begged me to stay and we've been going on dates.

Even with his music and my school stuff and the new waitress job i got at Lani's we still make time for each other since he picks me up from work most of the time. And of course i'm not even going to forget about the sex i've been having. This man is low key turning me into a sex addict. Every time i'm around him i just really can't keep my hands off of him.

My jobs been nice too and pays me really well. By the end on the term i'll be able to pay for my half of the rent by myself without my parents help. Like i said, girl boss. School has just been school, i'm learning a lot about production and Geezy has been helping me with my own music and stuff though i still am not ready to release anything.

I am at Lani's finishing up my shift. Since it's a Friday i finish my shift kinda late to compensate for the previous week i has school interferences and stuff. Cassius can't come pick me up today because he has a late recording session with Geezy so a taxi it is. I wave goodbye to Gladys, the sweetest manager anyone could ask for and get a taxi back home.

i check my phone to see if i have any texts and i have 2 from Cassius and one from Chrissy.

Cassius😍: hey baby i'm sorry i couldn't come get you from work, Geezy's really pushing my ass right now because of the deadline for the release.

Cassius😍: Speaking about asses i really miss yours, imma try and come through tonight so don't sleep too early.

I smile and reply it telling him that i won't let him in if he doesn't bring wings which he replies seconds after with a laughing emoji and a thumbs up.

i open the text from Chrissy which read:

Chrissy❤️: Hey babes, when you get home please don't be mad okay, love you!

Don't get mad? Did she burn the place down with her cooking or what. I hope it's something not as that bad. I laugh to myself at the thought and reply her with a confused GIF. I look up and see the taxi driver had already arrived in front of my apartment building. I thank him and pay him the fee then get out heading for the apartment.

I'm so tired and drained from waitering on my feet all day i just wanna sleep but i can't because i promised Cassius and i really was craving those wings and him too.

"Chris I'm home!, I hope you didn't burn my room with your chicken cause then imma have to sleep with yo-...What the actual fuck!??" I say as soon as i turn to face the living room from locking the door.

It was worse than a burnt apartment or a burnt room. I can't believe it! Nate!??

 I can't believe it! Nate!??

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