The commander of the 377th regiment agreed with Sun Long in private and allowed her to lead the team. The others would rest for a while until their dissatisfaction subsided, and then they would come back to help.

Sun Long was the captain of a platoon, and she agreed to lead the team. The next day, she took her people to prepare for mining.

Sun Long would always remember the sky that day because all the work at the mine had stopped. The transport vehicles were temporarily suspended for maintenance, and the dust that had filled the air seemed to have dissipated, revealing a hint of blue.

She took a few people to the mine entrance to place explosives, while the others waited at a distance.

After entering a narrow and winding mine tunnel, the space inside was not small. Sun Long and her team did not immediately place explosives but instead placed a small amount in one corner to blast open a rock wall. Their instruments detected that it was more suitable to place a tube of explosives behind the wall.

They were very careful with the explosion to prevent the cave from collapsing. After the smoke cleared, Sun Long noticed that something was off about the wall. The ground beneath it was too thin, as if it had been dug out by someone.

At first, Sun Long thought there might be an underground river or something similar that was not detected during the initial survey. She continued to chip away at the ground and discovered that it was hollow and there was no underground river.

She led her team into the opening and saw a shocking scene:A row of silver-white robotic dogs stood there.

Although the 377th Army had never been to the real border, they were part of the Winter Army and could recognize robotic dogs.

However, what Sun Long cared more about were the silver-white boxes on the ground behind them, which were only about 10 inches in size. She wanted to contact people outside, but the next second her brain was destroyed by something that appeared out of nowhere.

Not only her, but everyone's brain was destroyed, and one person even had their wrist cut off without being able to dodge.

That thing was too fast for Sun Long to see clearly, until it stopped on the rock wall by itself.

It was a half-human-sized robotic dog, with its limbs on the ground and its eyes glowing red.

Unlike the first and second generation robotic dogs, this thing was a dog, but its limbs were shaped like hands.

"Go up!" Sun Long ordered someone to report the message, but the second generation robotic dog suddenly woke up and attacked them. Moreover, the first row of 10-inch silver-white boxes on the ground transformed into the shape of that robotic dog right in front of them.

They could barely deal with the second generation robotic dogs, but these robotic dogs were impossible to deal with. They were too fast, several times faster than the second generation, and they couldn't see them clearly.

Sun Long's gaze fell on the supply lines arranged on the ground, from which the robotic dogs obtained energy and became conscious.Since there is an energy supply line, there must be an energy source. We cannot let the things inside get the energy, otherwise the entire Western River Exile Star will be destroyed once they get out.

Sun Long looked at the explosives on his subordinates' backs and said, "Give me the explosives. You guys... do your best to get out."

No one agreed. The team member who was misunderstood for drinking and causing trouble smiled and said, "Captain, with so many scary things, you can't make it through alone. I'll stay behind."

The Soft and Cute Omega Male (ChatGPT translation)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant