Chapter Five ㅡ Why is she here?

Start from the beginning

"Haemi, I'm sure you will win today! You' re so talented!"

"That's right! Don't forget about us little people when you reach the top, okay?"

"Stop it, I'm just average. There might be someone better than I here." Haemi replied that way but inside she was already smug. She was the future Mrs. Kim! Those judges will have to bow to her whims if they wanted to continue surviving in an industry dominated by the Kim family.

"Hey, someone is missing." A contestant suddenly said.

"Hmm?" Her friend answered, "Oh, could it be your sister, Haemi? I heard she participated too."

"Shh... Didn't you hear? Haemi's sister is an idiot who doesn't know her limits. She was eliminated in the first round."

"Oh... Sorry."

However, the damage was done. Haemi's good mood from earlier had disappeared. Especially when she remembered the harsh lesson she learned. Her head still had a huge bruise from the coffin lid!

Haemi knew too that the contestant was wrong. That b*tch could have competed in the finals against her!

If she hadn't had the foresight to sabotage Jisoo's entry, that brat would have had a shot at being champion.

"Enough about that piece of trash! The latecomer is Lemon!"

"Lemon? Really? You're not joking? I love the summer scent she created last year..." The girl trailed off when she saw Haemi's expression turn ugly and hurriedly added, "But pay her no mind, she still is far inferior to you, Haemi."

However, someone in the crowd whispered to her companion, "That may not be true. I heard that Lemon joined the competition just by submitting a recipe and was directly invited to the finals. She may be this year's dark horse..."

"I know. Lemon may not have released many scents but any scent she releases will be sold out almost immediately."

Before Haemi could explode at the hushed comments, an uproar near the entrance caught her attention.

Under the escort of many muscular bodyguards, the man of her dreams walked in.

Dressed in a dark suit, the handsome man strode in like a king. His cold and indifferent face only added to the allure of the forbidden.

Taehyung hid the annoyance growing in his heart the moment he walked into the competition venue and felt the infatuated, scheming gazes of the people there.

Haemi daydreamed as she watched Taehyung walk past. Proudly, she thought to herself, "That is MY future husband. Once we are married, I would be by his side..."

An announcement cut through her reverie.

"Contestant number 701, are you here? Please check in with any of our staff. I repeat..."

Whispers started once again among the other contestants.

"Isn't that Lemon's number? She isn't here yet?"

"If she doesn't turn up before the host makes his announcement, that means she's forfeited."

Haemi silently prayed that Lemon would fall into a hole and never show up.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

A loud sweet voice called out from the open doorway just as the host was about to declare the start of the competition.

"I'm contestant number 701."

Taehyung stared right at the young lady that walked through the door.

What was she doing here?

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