Chapter Forty two

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                 FEW MONTHS LATER

The Walker Mansion was bustling with life as for the first time in a while, there seemed to be excited chatter as everyone, occupants and workers included went to and fro.

The energy was understandable though, as the boss and his wife were coming back home after 6 months of the painful separation.

It's been 6 months since Amelia had started a fresh round of therapy in a new environment with Liam never leaving her side, regular visits to the psychologist, daily walks for her mental and physical health and everything in between.

The last visit and mental evaluation produced the best news Liam had heard in a while, trauma never leaves, some people are just a lot better at not letting it affect their daily lives and some successfully push it to the back of their heads, it's never the same for the next person.

It was with excited tones and almost teary eyes that the therapist was announcing that although not completely symptom free and might have days where she's sensitive to some things, Amelia was now ready to live normally again, having shown impressive growth in her mental health and developing better responses to things that would normally count as a trigger for her, the advanced self defense classes she was taking as per her wishes too had been going incredibly well and it almost brought a tear to Liam's eyes, because just the night before, in the comfort of his bedroom which was now also Amelia's courtesy of the higher levels of intimacy Amelia had been showing, from the longer hugs to night long conversations admist cuddle sessions, which the therapist described as 'making up for lost times' when Liam had worriedly asked about it on a call, Amelia told him she felt ready, the healthy glow of her face had no doubt returned and according to her, she misses how everything used to be and everyone back at home, quickly throwing it in that having him with her was the best part of her stay here, her cheek that was pressed to his chest making her words sound mumbled and her arm that was thrown over his torso playing with a loose strand of his sweater.

After quietly listening, he'd assured her that how she felt was the most valid and she could talk to the therapist about it in the next session and it was in that exact session that Mrs Anita, her therapist for the past 6 months had requested to see him too, before she broke the news.


"Do you need help?" Emma asked, standing behind the other who rolled her eyes and with a bit of hesitation, handed some of the cutleries she was placing next to the plates to her.

After finding out that Knox and Emma were now together, Audrey wasn't sure how to feel, having decided not to visit The Walker's mansion, but ended up deciding against it, as Leo now stayed at the Walker's now, as per Emily and Liam's request, leaving her with no choice but to always be around the younger who, although struggled to admit it, was grateful she was there to fill the space that'd had been voided with Amelia gone.

She saw Knox on many occasions, the pang in her chest whenever she saw him smile or just walk past without even noticing she was there, was still present, although arguably lesser, she knew she wasn't there yet. But she will.

Emma had found out about Audrey's feelings from Knox and she'd felt a bit apologetic towards the other, trying to be friendlier on days she was in the house.

"Your perfume smells nice." Audrey complimented conversationally. "A mix of rose and-"

"Just rose" Emma quickly interjected, glad that Audrey was saying something so nice to her.

"Ah. Knew I'd recognize that scent anywhere" she said, making Emma giggle silently before muttering a 'thank you'

Knox walked into the dinning area, looking up from the bottles of wine he'd been reading intently to see both women who now looked at him like they'd seen a ghost.

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