Chapter Twenty three

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Liam entered the room to find Amelia, rummaging through her closet.

"What was that about?" He asked, walking closer as she seemed to have finally found something, laying it on the bed before walking back into the closet.

"I need to go with your Mum" She said, hands getting busy with searching again.

"Do you mind telling me what happened?...besides, you know she wouldn't want you to go with her".

"Don't worry about that Liam. Aren't you late for work?" She tried to change the course of the conversation, now looking at him.

He looked like he was thinking about something. "....just, don't do anything that might set her off."

"Of course I won't and I promise, we'll be fine" She assured.

"Still not gonna tell me what that was about?" The need to know the reason behind her sudden mishap and now the rush to go with Emily was killing him.

A small smile spread on her face "I'll tell you later tonight, promise"

He nodded at that, holding her gaze for a few more minutes before turning around and walking out of the room.

Emily got up from the chair after having breakfast, gulping down a cup of water before placing it back unto the table and grabbing the bag that had sat next to her. Mira and the other girls were in the dinning seconds later, clearing out the table.

Emily's brows furrowed in distaste when Amelia walked in, fully dressed.

She knew what that meant, Amelia was about to pull another 'going out with you' stunt.

"You don't have to come with me. It's just an event within my association" of course she was missing her usual demeaning tone or insult filled refusals. Their last discussion and Amelia's words then continuing to play on repeat in her head, she was wrong for that and even if she still doesn't like her, she wouldn't want to hurt her with words more than it sounded like she already did.

It was safe to say the difference in her tone caught Amelia by surprise. She actually sounded different. More different than she had in most of their conversations, the soft and tender explanation was so in contrast to what Amelia was used to hearing.

"I know I don't have to....but can I? Please?" Emily looked away from the bright smile Amelia donned. Wordlessly turning around and beginning to walk out of the dinning.

Amelia smiled to herself, that counted as a big Yes in her books.

Knox came out of the company to meet Audrey, confusion written on his face as he approached where she stood next to her car.

"Did I surprise you?" She asked, smile on her face as he closed the distance between them.

"Yeah! Was a little surprised" He answered politely, not at all expecting her at the office.

"Don't mind me, I had a meeting with a client over there...." She pointed a finger at a luxurious looking building on the opposite side of the company, Knox figured it was a restaurant.

"Client just left, so! I decided to check on you" she explained.

"Oh! Well, Thank you, I appreciate the thought. So, are you leaving now? Or do you want to grab lunch?"

"Well, I already ate, but you can grab lunch and I'll keep you company! I'll get a smoothie or something so you don't feel bad" She suggested. Knox nodded with a smile of his own and they both made their way towards the restaurant she'd just left.

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