Chapter Eleven

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Amelia opened her eyes the next morning to the heavenly sight of Liam pacing the room, dressed in a sky blue 3 piece slim suit, wine red tie and pocket square offer Buckle loafers, wristwatch on and picking up a pair of black sunglasses as he checked himself on the full body mirror, fixing his tie.

She couldn't help but admire the man as his back was turned to her, broad shoulders and back with long legs and he had the gentleness of a dove, he was also easy to speak to, fun to be with, as far as she knew, and most of all, he was caring.

She was lost in her thoughts, not knowing when he turned to look at her, Liam breaking into a grin as he turned to catch her stare, having seen her from the mirror. He let out a small chuckle, making her eyes go wide before she bit her lip, looking down at the sheets as he approached the bed.

"You're up"

"Yeah!" She responded faster than she'd intended, slowly turning back around and sinking back into the pillow.

"What are you doing? Why are you hiding?!" He said with a small smile.

She pulled the blanket over her face, causing a short laugh to bubble out of his throat, "I'm not hiding, m' sleeping"

"Sure" He shook his head, "I'll be home early today and.....Tonia is making dinner, oh-" He exclaimed, eyes wide as she threw off the blankets and rose to look at him with a sneer as the name brought back the happenings of the day before that she'd forgotten.

"What?!" He questioned.

"What?!" She said back.

"You're acting weird, what was that?" He asked, smile never leaving his face. "I said..." A knock on the door cut his words short before he turned back to her, "That's Knox, gotta go....does the wife want morning kisses" He said with mischief in his tone, Amelia giving him a ludicrous look, brow raised.

"Okay no, for real" He clears his throat, "Do you need something? Anything?"

"Why the 'world's best husband' act all of a sudden?" She asked, giving him a questioning look.

"Am I not your husband?" He asked, gesturing at himself with a smile.

She shook her head, lips finally curling up into a smile, "You called me weird earlier on and now look at you, taking the crown"

"Am I? I just wanted you to smile before I left"


"No reason!"

"Knox is still outside, you know?" She reminded, smiling as his mouth formed a small 'o' as if he'd forgotten before swiftly grabbing the door knob, turning it and walking out with his shoulders high.

Amelia sighed as she sunk into the bed again, flinching when the door was pulled open again, Liam's head popping in for no longer than a second as he shot her a wink and pulled his head back out.

She let out a breathy laugh, "What is wrong with him today"

She walked to the window when she heard a bit of noise outside, peeking in to see Tonia in a pair of leggings and a tube bra with sneakers on.

Amelia scoffed, not just at that, but the fact that she seemed to have blocked Liam's car, now standing in front of him as she hit his chest playfully when she spoke.

"Would you look at that, she's up so early to flirt too," She sneered when Liam laughed at something she said too "And you....I guess your work and employees are not even that important to you" She said to herself, glaring at them as they spoke for a few more minutes.

She almost unconsciously sighed in relief when he turned around to get in the car again, jaw dropping when Tonia grabbed his arm again, laughter now so loud that she could hear from where she stood. "What in the world-?" She scoffed.

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