Chapter Thirty-two

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"Amelia! Amelia i prepared breakfast" Leo announced as he entered, pushing the door open after not getting a response, to see Amelia under her blanket.

The younger had no idea what happened, asking her multiple questions the moment she walked in with her bags the night before and getting no answers as she just walked into her room, door shutting behind her.

He tried to talk to her before giving up and just decided to try again the next morning, opting to give her some space, but finally caving when she remained the same the next morning.

"I don't know what's going on with you but I already informed Audrey" He said, Amelia immediately brought the soft material off her face.

"Why would you do that" She scolded, frowning but Leo's eyes widened as he took in the state of her face, swollen and red rimmed.

"Why wouldn't I? Look at yourself! You haven't said a word to me since you came in last night and you've obviously been crying, I had no other choice" He shot back, noting how she just sniffled and avoided his eyes.

"Why are you back with your bags....all of a sudden? what happened between you and Mr Walker? Did you guys have a fight?" He threaded cautiously.

"I told you already, Leo! I said the contract is over"

"Yes the contract is over, but was it supposed to just end like this? You don't seem happy Amelia, you are not happy. I'm worried about you" he muttered the last part sadly, taking Amelia by surprise.

Leo may be stubborn and difficult but it was rare to see him like this. It was what reminded her that he was still just a child at heart, eyes sad and lips jutting and it made her feel guilty for worrying her baby brother.

"Listen Leo I'm sorry, I'm just...." She sighed, cutting herself off. "I'm sorry"

"I'm not going to force you to talk if you don't want to, but can you eat something at least? We can talk when I get back from my classes....If you're ready" he suggested softly and she nodded.

"I'll be fine, Leo." She smiled softly, "Go. I promise I'll have breakfast too" She said, Leo replied with a nod before walking towards the door, looking back worriedly one last time before walking out and shutting the door behind himself.

Amelia let out a sigh once she was left alone. Sitting up in the middle of her bed and looking around the room that was hers but no longer felt like it was.

Probably because she was still unsettled, thanks to the monster that haunted her dream, making a re-entry in her life and because she still couldn't believe the state in which she'd left the Walkers. Especially Liam.

Knox who rarely even spoke had tried to talk to her, but all she could do was smile sadly and bid her farewell. She didn't even get to see Emily but Liam's heartbroken face as he watched her leave still haunted her. His tear-filled eyes still pulled at her heartstrings and the feel of his fingers on her wrist still burned even though his hold held no malicious intent, she could feel her heart rate pick up as she wondered how he was, only for it to take a deep dive when her thoughts wondered to him. The devil that was now feeding on her fears and past trauma. She burrowed back under the sheets, that was exactly how she felt about the whole situation. To hide in away in a place where she can't feel his prying eyes and hands on her.

Liam sat across from Knox, both of them silently awaiting a presence, which came in the form of Audrey who alighted the car parked in front of the cafe and walked in, waving at both men who returned the gesture with smiles, one forced and the other painful.

Knox was unsure of how to act around her, having no idea their next meeting would be like this, but to his surprise, she smiled brightly at him, like she always did, before taking her seat.

"Hi Liam. Hey Knox"

'thank goodness' Knox thought to himself on hearing her voice that sounded like it held no malice.
Amelia got up from the bed, unwrapping herself from where she'd been burrito-ed up as she wondered why Leo kept ringing the doorbell, 'did he forget his keys again?' she grumbled, cursing under her breath as she dragged her feet to the door and pulled it open, only to find the embodiment of all her nightmares, smiling wickedly from the other side.

Her breath hitched. Feet working on its own as she scrambled to get away from him, only for her to land on her butt and looking up at him from where she was now on the floor. He stepped in, shutting the door behind himself, causing her to flinch from the loud sound as he crouched right in front of her, humming appreciatingly as his smile grew impossibly wider.

"I've missed you too, sweetheart"

"Liam, what you're asking of me is not so easy. I don't think it's in my place to tell you and I don't know how Amelia would react if I do" Audrey spoke, biting her lip tentatively as she did.

She knew Amelia wouldn't want her revealing her past but after hearing Liam's explanation about her sudden change in behavior, it didnt take too long to put the pieces together. After all there was only one person who was capable of eliciting such a reaction from her strong and fearless best friend. Liam had just begged her to help him figure out what was wrong but she knew exactly what it was, he was certain it was a part of the reason why she abruptly left and he needed to sort it out in order to help her and get her back.

"Audrey she's your friend too, I'm just trying to help her and anything you know might be of great help. I just want to know why she's being like this, so I can help her.....please" He persuaded and she bit her lip again, silence ensuing as she seemed to be having an internal debate before finally letting out a groan in resignation.

"Fine! I guess....I guess it's fine since I'm doing this to help her" she took a deep breath. "I haven't seen her yet, but I already received a call from Leo. I was still a bit unsure about it, but now, hearing from you too, the changes in her behavior can only mean one thing. It's him. He's here" She said, making Liam move closer as if to conceal a secret.

"Him? Who's he" he questions curiously.

"That bastard, Justin. Her uncle. He....he used to abuse her and sexually assault her too"

And Liam could feel his heart drop to his feet as Audrey's head fell at the end of her sentence. Knox' mouth falling wide open, both of them shocked to their shells as that was the very last thing they'd expected to hear.

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