Chapter Ten

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The sounds of knocks on the door had Liam rolling off the bed, sparing a glance at Amelia on her side of the bed as he tried to not disturb her sleep.

"What's up?" He rasped out as he opened the door to find Knox.

"Morning Boss!" Knox said with a smile.

"Yeah morning, what's going on?"

"You have a visitor!" He said, at the same time Amelia tore her eyes open, squinting to see both men at the door.

"Visitor, who's that?"

"It's someone you're expecting, although maybe not this early" Knox said mischievously.

"Who are yo-....Tonia is here?!" His eyes widened in surprise.

"Yea she is, she's waiting for you outside".

"Oh okay! I'll be with her very soon, let me just change" He said, beaming.

"Okay Boss!" Knox said with a nod before walking away.

Liam shut the door, peeking at Amelia who now had her eyes closed again before walking into the bathroom to start his morning routine and taking a quick shower.

Amelia had finally got up a few minutes after Liam left the room, counting her steps as she approached the living room, hearing a mix of Liam's, Emily, Emma and what she assumed to be Tonia's voice accompanied by rounds of laughter.

She popped her head round the corner that led to the living room, as she'd guessed, finding the whole family sat around a lady, undoubtedly Tonia as they were engrossed in a conversation, her brows furrowed as she found the lady perched next to Liam, hands landing on the latter's left bicep and thigh whenever she had something to add to the ongoing discussion, Amelia held back a glare before taking in her dressing that screamed glamour and expensive, a blue one shoulder cut out bra top, high waist pencil skirt with side shirring, square toe woven high heels, a blue chanel chain holder bag, gold chanel bracelet on her wrist and Gucci square metal sunglasses that were obviously hers resting on the table, she had Makeup on, colors irritatingly popping and her hair with extensions resting on her shoulder.

"What's so funny? Is she unable to speak or giggle without touching him?" Amelia sneered, eyes glued on every move the lady made.

"Oh my God!" She loudly screeched, swiftly turning around when someone grabbed at her shoulders, holding on to her chest.

"Why are you screaming, it's just me" Knox said, face laced with confusion.

"You scared me!" She almost screamed out, "You can't just do that, you should've called my name or someth-" She halted as she noticed she was no longer hidden and everybody in the room now had eyes on her.

She turned around fully, putting on an awkward smile before squeaking out a "Good morning" as she internally cursed at herself, wishing the floor would just open up and swallow her.

"Y-you weren't there when I woke up" She quickly saved, turning to face Liam, whose surprised face quickly morphed to one of endearment as he could feel his face heat up, Knox watched on with amusement.

"Oh, i came to bad" He cut himself off, gesturing as he continued, "Tonia meet my wife, Amelia. Amelia, meet my friend and course mate at school, Tonia" He introduced with a smile.

"Hello!" Amelia said with a small smile.
"Hi." Tonia replied, disconcerned as she eyes Amelia from top to bottom before turning back to look at Liam with a smile.

Amelia scoffed at her behavior before rolling her eyes and walking out to leave them to their conversation.

Amelia slammed the door as she walked back into the bedroom, beginning to pace as she scoffed continuously, replaying the rude interaction that had just happened.

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