Chapter Seventeen

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Emma was already sat when Amelia walked into the dinning room, taking the seat opposite her and giving her a small smile, Emma looking away, causing Amelia to scoff lowly. Mira walked in seconds later to serve Amelia's breakfast.

Starting to eat, Amelia kept stealing glances at Emma, flashing a sly smile whenever Emma caught her gaze making the other look away with furrowed brows.

"What is your problem, woman" Emma snapped as she dropped her utensils on the table.

"What! I didn't even say anything" She said, still smiling.

Emma gave her a deadpan look, shaking her head as she decided she wasn't in the mood for whatever Amelia was up to. She rose from her seat, still in her slouched position, she heard Liam's voice from the hallway, followed by the familiar footsteps and voice of Knox, she immediately dropped back unto the chair. Amelia's eyes widened at that, continuing to slyly study the other while pretending to focus on her food.

Amelia watched both men walk into the room, Liam in front and Knox a step behind him as always, he nodded at Amelia, fleeting glance on Emma who lowered her head to avoid his gaze as he stretched a bit to grab an apple from the fruit basket that was strategically placed in the middle of the table, turning around and immediately walking out of the room.

Amelia's eyes narrowed at that, maybe her instincts were right after all.

"You guys are not having breakfast?" She asked Liam who was straightening back up as he had just placed a quick peck on her forehead.

"Yeah, early meeting, can't stay any longer or I'll be late" Liam informed.
"Your secretary called, you're late already" Knox said, causing Emma to choke on her food as she didn't hear him walk back in or even expect him to speak, Liam rushed to her side, handing her a cup of water which she hurriedly downed in one go.

Amelia did not fail to catch Knox' eye-roll, which was followed by a smirk that disappeared as fast as it came, she shifted her gaze back to Emma when Knox walked out again, going to her side and helping her rub her back.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Liam asked curiously.

"Yeah....yeah, I'm fine" Emma said in between her violent coughs,  hitting her chest in the process.
Liam watched her worriedly for a second before swiftly getting up when her coughs died down, "Well, I'm off" he said, flashing Amelia another smile before walking out of the room in long strides.

"You know, you're making it so obvious this way" Amelia said when the two were finally alone again.

"What? What are you talking about" Emma snarked out, confusion written on her face.

"Oh, come on, sister-in-law, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about..... Knox" Emma choked for the second time that morning, the sound of that name alone sending waves of a feeling she couldn't describe through her body.

"Wha-what are you- Ho......How do you know?" She resorted to asking, eyes fixed on Amelia who rose from her seat, bright smile on her face as she took the seat next to her.

" see, I was there in the garden when you arrived that night" She said, causing Emma's eyes to grow wide as she knew exactly what night she was talking about.

"I followed you to make sure you got to your room safely, but then you took a detour and well, first I was sure nothing was going to happen but seeing your reaction to him lately, I think something really did happen" Amelia finished.

" n-nothing like that happened" Emma said, picking her finger as she did whatever to avoid Amelia's gaze.

"Hmmm...okay, then. But you really don't have to act this way cause it's really really really obvious" She said.

"Really?" Emma asked, voice the softest since the first time they met.

"Yeah, yes it is" Amelia confirmed.

"I don't know what to do, I.....It keeps coming back to me, but it seems I'm the only one who is still stuck on that night, to him it's like it didn't even happen." She muttered.

"Do him?" Amelia asked cautiously, earning her answer in the form of the incoherent wide eyed sputters Emma let out.

"Wh-What! tch, no I don't!..... I don't know, maybe I do?" I'm so conflicted" She pouted.

"But it doesn't make any sense!, I don't think there's any feelings, I just want to clear things up between us but since that time we've not actually talked about it" She finished hurriedly.

"Mhm, okay. I mean, whether you develop feelings for him or not that's between you guys, but you really think you're the only one who's yet to move on from whatever happened that night?" Amelia asked with a knowing smile.

"What do you mean?" Emma inquired softly, causing Amelia to scoff lightly before sinking back into her chair, smile still on her face as a wide eyed Emma waited for her to speak.

"I made it clear, I don't want you to come here with me!" Emily said angrily as she stepped out of the car, a grinning and unbothered Amelia, emerging from the driver's side, flashing the older a smile who just stared at her.

"Mum! I told you I don't wanna stay bored at home, besides I need to come with you to see what type of jewellery you're getting for your birthday party, I need to supervise my Mother-in-law so you can stand out tomorrow" She chirped.

"Tch, Supervise.... I already told you, whatever game you're playing won't work on me so you better drop the act and go back to your old self" Emily said firmly before turning around and walking into the jewelry store.

Amelia moved quietly behind the older, watching her as she checked out numerous piecies. The store was a bit crowded, people moving around and going on with their businesses.

Amelia paused for a bit, before turning around and walking to the the other side of the shelves to check out those jewelries too, leaving Emily on her own for a moment, when she came back, Emily was no longer looking at the jewelry but standing next to a staff, talking animatedly, but something else caught her attention, a guy standing behind Emily. Amelia hid behind one of the shelves when the man looked around fleetingly before slowly sticking his hand into Emily's handbag which was placed on a small stand next to the Emily. A smile spread on his features when he pulled out a heavily accessorised phone, eyes widening when a hand grabbed his free wrist.

"If you make a move...." Her voice made Emily and the staff turn around, Emily's eyes grew wide when she saw Amelia holding onto a man, her eyes grew wider when it landed on his other hand, her phone in it.

"Oh my God! My phone!" Emily gasped before quickly grabbing her phone out of the man's hold, stepping away from him as fast.

The security guards rushed in as they saw the scene unfold from the CCTV cameras, one of them with a pair of handcuffs, the rapidly forming crowd, pulling apart to allow them to walk in.

The thief's eyes widened in panic as he saw the security guards approaching, already knowing what was coming next, he dipped his hands into his pocket and pulled out a small pocket knife, immediately swinging with abandon. Amelia pulled away too late as he had successfully delivered a sharp cut to her wrist.

"AMELIA!" Emily screamed out, gasps coming from the crowd too as Amelia dropped to her knees, other palm putting pressure on the cut but blood still escaped from it, staining the floor in the color of her blood. The guy took advantage of the disruption and made a run for it, some of the guards already hot on his heels.

"A.... Amelia" Emily called out shakily, palm going over her mouth as she walked closer to Amelia's crouched form, the sound of her phone dropping to the flow going unnoticed as she walked to stand next to Amelia, the protests of her aching knee disregarded as she crouched next to Amelia who was still hissing in pain, she pulled the arm out of Amelia's hold, staining her own clothes red too as she helped apply pressure on it, yelling for first aid which arrived minutes later.

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