05 ; does she have a crush?

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The conversation between the two went on for longer and [Name] was starting to get bored. Suddenly her attention was taken by the other twin who hadn't spoken much.

"Kitagawa, I don't think I introduced myself back then. But I'm Hoshino Ruby." She held out her hand for [Name] to shake "just call me [Name]" [Name] stated as she shook Ruby's hand, "then you can call me Ruby."

"Are you a first year as well?" Ruby asked, [Name] nodded her head and looked over at her cousin "Kana managed to convince my parents to let me come here. Initially I was going to go to another school."

"Well, I should thank her then. I have someone I know in the same year level as me." Ruby smiled "here, let's exchange contacts" [Name] took Ruby's phone and added her details then handed it back to the girl.

* * *

The interviews had ended for the day and [Name] was trailing behind Kana who was pestering Aqua.

[Name] had been dragged along by Kana to follow Aqua, so here she was, walking quietly and listening to the two of them.

Kana had a bashful face as she attempted to ask Aqua out which only made [Name] roll her eyes, she needs to work on her flirting skills. What surprised [Name] was when Aqua said that they can go to his director's house.

[Name] didn't know if she was invited as well since she wasn't apart of the conversation. But her silent question was soon answered as Kana pulled [Name] along with them when she noticed that she was hesitant to keep walking.

"[Name] where do you think you're going?" Kana asked, [Name] shrugged and looked around "I didn't think I would have to come as well." Kana shook her head and followed Aqua whilst pulling [Name] along.

[Name] recognised the director, he was the one directing the film that both Kana and Aqua stared in back then.

"Oh Arima Kana! I haven't seen you in so long, you've really grown up!" The director exclaimed causing Kana to falter back. "I see. I am in fact still acting, just not as much as I was when I was a kid."

"Kitagawa [Name]! It's a pleasure to finally meet you properly! I've seen some of your dramas, films and your games!" The director held out his hand and [Name] shook it "the pleasures all mine!" She smiled.

Kana felt a tinge of jealousy for the directors reactions towards [Name] compared to her.

"I didn't think much people would watch my softball matches" the director shook his head "who wouldn't? you're a prodigy! I guess you get that from your father."

Growing up [Name] did many things that she wouldn't have been able to do in her past life. Since her mother was an actress [Name] was put into acting classes. And because her father was a baseballer [Name] was able to play sports.

[Name] played softball professionally but she was currently having a break due to an injury.

After her conversation with the director [Name] looked around the room and saw Kana crouching next to a bookshelf and looking through the contents. [Name] walk up to her and squatted beside her "what ya looking at?" [Name] asked quietly as her eyes scanned the bookshelf "just looking at these."

[Name] stood up and scanned the books on the higher level, many of these films she had seen in her previous life.

She peeled her eyes off the bookshelf and looked around the room. The director was at his desk and Aqua was sitting on the floor with him laptop placed on a cardboard box in front of him.

[Name] walked over to Aqua and sat beside him as she peered at his screen "what ya doing?" She asked, Aqua gave her glance before looking back at his screen "just some editing" [Name] hummed and silently watched him work.

She felt a burning sensation on her head and she turned to the source. Kana was giving her an intense stare down and raised her eyebrow, [Name] raised an eyebrow back before it clicked in her.

Kana has a crush in Aqua, it was now clearer then day to [Name]. And she was jealous of [Name] for sitting next to him so casually.

Suddenly the door to the room swung open and a lady came in, asking if they wanted lunch.

The four of them sat at the dining table in the kitchen as the lady, who introduced herself as the director's mother, served them the food.

"Does anyone want seconds!?" She announced which caused [Name] to jump slightly as she watched the directors mother walk around the table with a bowl full of rice and a rice paddle.

"Ah I'm good" Kana denied "you won't grow up if you don't eat" Kana shook her head "I'm on a low carb diet" she explained. [Name] raised her hand and held her bowl out "I'll have some more Aunty, you're good is delicious!" Kana looked over at [Name] and lightly kicked [Name]'s leg under the table "what about your diet [Name]?" [Name] look at her cousin and blinked "what diet? I'm on a diet?" Kana shook her head and waved her hand dismissively.

"I'm kinda shocked though, the director is still sponging off his parents like a parasite" Kana blurted out, the director sweat dropped "you never learned any manners did ya you little brat!"

"It's great isn't it?" She asked "my parents have retired to the countryside so I live alone in a dorm. Sometimes I stay over at [Name]'s or I invite her to mine, and I rely on Uber for my meals."

[Name] stopped eating and placed her bowl down as she glanced over at her cousin.

Kana would hang out with [Name] everyday to make up for the lonely feeling that Kana's parents had placed on her. [Name] put up with it even thought she got annoyed at some points, in the end they were family after all.

"Doesn't that get expensive?" The director asked "it's fine, thanks to my child acting I'm all set! I have so much money saved up that I don't wanna even check my balance!" She laughed "Damn I don't really like this girl..." the director commented quietly.



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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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