Chapter 28: You Are An Idiot

Start from the beginning

"We need some help," Swift says.

"Yeah, what is it?" Carter asks.

"Just in case he plans to take off with that thing, can you access the plane's controls to cripple it?" Swift says.

Carter falls into a conundrum hearing Swift's demand, "How the hell am I supposed to do that?"

"Aren't military grade planes, or just planes in general, connected to a satellite? Try to see if you can hack the uplink, and stop the plane from taking off if it does. Can't be too careful."

Carter exhales sharply, annoyed at Swift for overestimating his computer skills. Though, he has done that multiple times before, enough for Carter to not snap at him every time he does it again. "Ugh, maybe," He says. "I'll see what I can do."

Arriving before Matt and his group of half a dozen armed henchmen, the car lurches to a halt. Brakes screech silently and briefly as the car skids to a stop. Back at the briefing, Tom agreed to stay in the car after they remember Matt wanted to confront Swift alone, and so he does exactly that. Swift carefully exits his vehicle in front of everyone, not making any sudden movements that might get a bullet to fly through their heads. Swift stands facing the coat-wearing senior who holds his lover captive, his heart pounding in his chest. With piercing eyes, Matt stares into his very soul, with firm fists.

"Wonderful. You made it," Matt says proudly. "I see you're dressed for the occasion as well." He comments positively at Swift and Tom's elegant tuxedos, although the one Swift's wearing is much, much bedraggled. Blood stain on the dress shirt's shoulder, what looks like burn marks on the side, really just anything to ruin its panache.

"Where is she?" Swift says, his voice steady despite the fear that gnaws at him.

"Be patient, now," Matt says, looking to his right where his limo is parked. The figure of Jake walks from behind the limo, holding a bound Audrey by her arm, pushing her into Swift's sight. He goes and shoves her violently into Matt. Her ankles were no longer bound with a rope, allowing her to walk. Not yet recovering balanced control of her legs after it being tied up for so long, she almost collapses, but not until Matt catches her. "She's still in one piece, as promised."

Swift looks at Audrey worriedly, "Audrey? Are you okay?" He says before he realizes a few drops of tears flow out of her eyes.

Matt speaks for her, "Not for long unless you give me what I asked for."

Swift immediately cuts off, "Alright! Alright," He slips a hand into his jacket's inner pocket, drawing a thumb drive out of it, holding it up by the strap. Instead of moving forward to grab it, Matt stays still and puts his hand out in a demanding manner.

"Well?" Matt says.

"Not so fast," Swift holds the drive down. "Give her to me first."

Matt gives him an uncertain face, "Why?" He asks. "Don't you trust me?" Swift lightly shakes his head to answer that, prompting Matt to make an annoyed look. "You haven't realized yet who's in control here, have you?" Swift makes a small look-around, glaring at the dozens of Matt's men guarding the scene. "Just give me the drive. Don't complicate this further. Don't let being a fool be the death of her."

The taunt stung. The words hit him like a slap in the face, a sudden wave of heat rising in Swift's chest as he fought to control the anger that threatens to consume him. The insult cut deep, striking at the very core of his being and leaving him feeling exposed and vulnerable. His fists clenched tightly at his sides as he glares at Matt.

"A fool?" Swift's eyes flash with a fiery intensity that betrays his feelings. "A fool?!" He sees the hypocrisy. "No, if anyone is a fool here, it's you! Every single decision you've made has gotten everyone, especially me, to be so..." He pauses, trying to find the right word. "Dumbstruck!" He says with anger no words can describe.

"What made you dare say that to me?" Matt says, returning the offense.

"Oh, well, let's see shall we? You took over your father's business, and you are just stupid to think that you're competent enough to run it." Swift spits.

"What makes you think I am not... competent enough to carry on my father's legacy?" Matt says with his teeth showing.

"I can write down a list longer than probably the one you want back so badly, but I'll say it lightly," He says, causing Matt's vexation to rise. "You were on the verge of compromising your business deal with Mr. Morello," He continues.

Wait. How did he...? Matt intensely thinks.

"You got your list of international clients stolen," Swift proceeds, while Matt just stands there stiff. "And the one thing, the one most egregious decision that you've made, is you've appointed Biff Tannen there," He points at Jake.

"Excuse me?" Jake says irately.

"As your... what, your personal security force?" He continues, almost letting out a laugh but he goes against it to not set Matt off. "Honestly, you are more of an idiot than I thought you were. So, yeah, I might be a fool, but you are just a stuck-up, egotistical dumbass." He says in a condescending voice, leaving Matt in a sigh.

Matt keeps his silence, listening to Swift's unstoppable rant about how much of an idiot Matt truly was. The insult was like a bitter pill to swallow, a searing reminder of his own fallibility. Thinking back, he finds Swift's point, but the fact that he, out of all people, even in the presence of danger, still has the courage to spit right on his face, not to mention the fact that he just called him a dumbass... that about does it.

Swift suddenly squinches, his hand gripping after the heavy sting that hits his stomach when he least expects it, dropping the thumb drive he just held. He falls over with his other hand held against the runway floor. All of this happened right after the deafening gunshot that came out of a pistol in Matt's hand. Audrey screams under her gag, wanting to charge to Swift but she's halted by Matt who pulls her back, letting one of his men to handle her. Tom reacts shakenly to the sudden gunshot, pulling out his pistol and aiming it at Matt, the only thing stopping him from shooting is the several dozen of Matt's gunmen aiming their guns back at him.

"Oh, go ahead. Shoot me and see where that takes the three of ya'," Matt says at Tom who has his aim at him unbroken. Matt approaches Swift confidently to snatch the thumb drive from the floor. Swift, in pain, tries to stop him by reaching for the drive, yet his hand gets crushed by Matt's foot, stopping him from doing so. "Gotta be honest, a little disappointed." He goes and takes the thumb drive.

Even when he's practically bulletproof, it still hurts like hell. Swift becomes reminded of Carter's warning about it only stopping bullets from piercing through the skin, not preventing it from shattering a bone. He was badly willing to strike Matt down right there, but he knows he couldn't touch Matt before another bullet gets shot at him or worse, Audrey being the one to pay the price.

Matt returns near the plane, where one of his men holds an open laptop in his hand. In the circumstance that Swift brought a fake copy of the list, he commanded one of his men to check on the spot. After sticking the drive's tip into a port, Matt goes to access the file effortlessly, possessing the only knowledge of the key to open it. Swift could only assume the contents of that file, the laptop was too far away from his sight to peek. Moments later, Matt closes the hardware after finding the piece to be the authentic piece, not knowing he opened a temporary copy of the actual file to Swift's amusement, which eased him of the stomach pain.

"Y'know, I liked you the moment I saw you back at that cafeteria. Those skills you showed us. Quite the show, really. Thought you would be a perfect candidate to add to my... menagerie," Matt motions to Jake and the rest of his allies. "But a boy can dream." Swift scoffs at him, something that didn't make Matt feel threatened at all. "So, since you called me out as an idiot, which I'm not," Swift rolls his eyes knowing otherwise. "I'm afraid our deal is off."

Swift furrows, "What do you mean?" He starts to worry about what he said, even more, when he notices Matt walking up the cargo plane's rear door that is open, taking Audrey along. "I gave you what you want, you have it in your hand, now give her back!"

"And you're gonna see just how much of a bad luck it is for you to insult me," Matt snarls. He lifts his pistol and aims down at Tom, who instinctively puts his arm in front of his head before the bullet is launched. The projectile ricochets away from the kevlar. Though saved from that one bullet, one gunfire was enough to trigger others to do the same.

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