Chapter 1: A Swift Introduction

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Well, this is ominous as hell.

The coated man thought in his head as he walked the empty pavement. The silence of midnight slightly overwhelmed him from the inside. A cold sensation ran through his hands, so the man slipped his left hand into his coat's pocket to keep it warm, his right hand gripping the strap of his sling bag on his left side tightly.

He tried humming to himself to break the unnerving silence. It didn't work, so he tried talking to himself in his thoughts to keep him company. He had to admit, after seconds of making up words in his head, it might've worked. He quickly disregarded the ominous quietness in the streets of Philadelphia, he couldn't even notice the faint drops of rain that might've bothered him.

As it turns out, his tactic to distract himself worked a little too well, proved by a sudden streak that made him fall out of his balance. The man's tranquility in the middle of the unnerving atmosphere quickly shattered when something, or someone, pulled the sling bag away from his possession. The coated man shrieked as he felt his body suddenly shoved to the right violently, the strap of his bag going over his head, along with the actual bag being brought away by the unrecognizable figure shorter than him.

"Hey!" Yelled the man as he was too late to catch his bag back. Without any further hesitations, the man quickened his pace to catch up to the agile, hooded figure who robbed him.

It didn't matter who they were, or where they were going, the man was determined to get his sling bag back. What brought him on edge was the fact that sensitive information was in the bag that he was carrying. He was so close to his apartment which was a few blocks from where he was robbed, much to his dissatisfaction.

Adding to his annoyance was the lack of people that were present in the area. It would've been much easier if there were people around to help him get his bag, but he knew it was midnight. There was not a chance that a single person would be out in the streets at this time of the hour.

The drops of rain briskly became intense in a matter of minutes as he continued to run after the figure meters in front of him. The raindrops caused the pavement's surface to become wet, a little slippery, and dangerous to rush blindly on, yet the man didn't care. He just wanted his bag back, along with its contents still inside.

It hasn't been very far the man ran until his most of strength was drained. "Damn it," He muttered while he placed his arm against a corner where the figure disappeared into an alley. While taking a breath, he spotted the hoodie-wearing figure run into a construction site. Grumbling in annoyance, the man decided he had enough rest, and continued to follow the figure inside the building under construction.

Before he knew it, the man was greeted by a dark atmosphere blanketing the construction site. It was a lot quieter here than out there. The slight light coming from outside helped him notice where he was in the room. After walking up a wooden board that led to an elevated part of the unfinished building, he saw the same dark-hooded figure that robbed him. His sling bag opened, leaning at the feet of the figure while they faced away from the man.

The man lost his patience. It made him reach into his coat's inner pockets, pulling out a pistol with a silencer attached to its barrel. He aimed it at the figure firmly.

"Show's over, you bastard. Hand that over." Said the man in threat as he approached the unpredictable figure carefully.

As the man ordered, the figure put both of their hands up. Their right hand holds two rectangular shapes that are pieces of paper. This made the man a lot more upset, realizing the figure dug through his files in his sling bag.

"Drop it." The man gestured at the paper in the figure's right grip. But the figure didn't listen. Instead, they just froze, doing nothing instead of complying with his demand.

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