Chapter 27: Trust In Me

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"You need to tell us what the hell is going on," Dane says in a bit irritated manner, looking through the rearview mirror to glance at Swift before focusing back on traffic.

"Yeah. What was that? Why were you being chased by Jake? Being shot at, even?!" Iggy adds, the glimpse of the gun makes him anxious. "If it wasn't for us seeing you, you would've been dead!"

"I know," Swift takes his pistol out, releasing the magazine out of it to check his bullets. "Thanks. for that, by the way. I owe you one." He says. Iggy hears the gun clicking and he turns around, eyes growing big when he sees his pistol.

"What the-," Iggy stutters frightenedly. "He's holding a gun!" He says to Dane, who takes a shocked look through the mirror again, discovering Iggy is telling the truth. Though, he's not that agitated when he sees it.

"I know, I know! I have a lot to explain." Swift says to calm them down.

"Yeah, you bet!" Iggy remarks.

Here we go again. Just like the time when he told the truth to Audrey, Swift takes a deep breath, bracing himself to confess. "The truth is... I'm not who you think I am."

"What do you mean?"

"I have to warn you, it's a long story," Swift says.

"You got somewhere else to be?" Dane's eyebrows narrow.

"Actually, I do," Swift loads the magazine back in. "Take us to my place. I already told you where it is, remember?" He asks to Dane.

"Fine." As the car arrives at an intersection, it turns to the left.

"I have to warn you again, it's a bit overwhelming," Swift advises one final time.

"Just tell us... why Jake tried to kill you." Iggy says. To be fair, the answer is quite simple as he knew how Swift interacted with Jake in their encounters.

Swift lets out one final breath, "It's about Matthew Hendrix,"

"What about him?" Dane asks, remembering the senior student who saved Swift from Jake the first time they met.

"The guy's an arms dealer. Well, his dad was. A powerful one in the criminal world. Formerly, that is. Until he died, then Matt took his place,"

Matt? Arms dealer? Criminal world? What?! Dane and Iggy both thought as they listened to his rushed exposition. The latter became more and more confused as they did.

"Now, he's planning to sell his weapons to several affiliations across the world, which would potentially trigger international wars. Blah, blah, blah... And that's why I'm here, sent to be stationed in Northview as a front of stakeout."

"Sent? By who?" Iggy asks.

"The CIA," Swift replies.

Dane, hearing a three-letter-agency being mentioned, shakes his head, "This shit is getting goofy."

"This must be a dream, this must be a dream. Was that pizza not real?!" Iggy starts to freak out. Swift climbs to the front, next to Iggy's seat, and gives him a hard slap in the face, to which he recoils. "Ow!"

"Did that wake you up?" Swift asks.

"No?" Iggy says cowardly.

Swift nods, "I wish it wasn't real," A hint of guilt escapes his mouth, something Dane and Iggy take notice of. He unexpectedly turns gloomy. He holds his head to ease his headache and sighs, "This is all my fault." He says exasperatedly, breath turning heavy. He couldn't stop thinking about Audrey. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have her safety compromised.

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